Covid origins: it's not what you've heard
If we can sort through the crazy, we will be rewarded with something crazier
I’m a reader, not a writer. I'm a decent listener but not a good talker. I’m a nobody and plan to remain that way. In January 2020, I was doing what I do best: minding my own business. Then, a mysterious pneumonia emerged from a mysterious town. If I were like you, we'd never heard of this small town of 10 million people, but that would become the first clue of many.
The news junky at work was talking about Chinese collapsing in the street of this odd-sounding town called Wuhan. In February, we heard about the now-infamous BSL4 lab. I grew suspicious when the popular blog Zerohedge had its Twitter account suspended for reporting on a potential patient zero, but there were a dozen labs in Wuhan and nearly half studied coronaviruses. Human-to-human transmission of a coronavirus emerging in Wuhan was basically our proof of a lab leak.
Given the history of SARS1, it was logical for local officials to look for its origins in a wet market. But Tony Fauci later commented: “That would be an unusual situation, to jump to 24 people at the same time; that is just not the way zoonotic (spillover events) occur.” For the next three years, we truth seekers would waste our time debating Fauci’s lieutenants about that Wuhan wet market.
If a virus is engineered, wherever it spilled over into the human population does not tell us where it was engineered. The SARS2 strain circulating in the wet market was called lineage A, well before Alpha, Delta, Omicron, etc. It was the exact same sequence as WA1 (Washington state patient 1) isolated from a Seattle man returning from Wuhan in January 2020. Outside of us humans, WA1 transmits in only five animals on the planet, and those five are only found (naturally or unnaturally) in Montana at Fauci’s Rocky Mountain Lab. This will become our biological proof of a Wuhan area lab leak and a US area lab origin.
WA1 (i.e. the "progenitor” SARS2 strain from Wuhan, also called Lineage A) transmits efficiently in American mink, American deer, American deer mice, Syrian hamsters, and Egyptian fruit bats. That exclusive list of American lab animals was only found at RML before the 2019 outbreak in Wuhan (reference Mongol’s comment below for more insight).
The first of many red herrings
The Wuhan wet market is still partially closed, but it is an interesting info war between East and West. The Chinese government claimed it was the port of entry for American frozen lobsters contaminated with Covid. Maybe the Yanks imported Covid in October 2019 during the World Military Games held in Wuhan?
But there may be a shred of truth in the propaganda wars when an official Chinese tabloid asked: What are Dr Ralph Baric’s synthesized viruses used for? The Chinese tabloid also asked: “Could the white-tailed deer be the intermediate host of the virus that experts have been searching for?” An official US tabloid asked why SARS2 infects American deer but not Chinese bats. Jon Stewart summarized unofficial US satire with a Hershey’s chocolate factory analogy.
My own conspiracy still wonders why a well-funded Fauci virologist, Michael Osterholm, was covering up a potential lab leak on Joe Rogan’s popular podcast in March 2020, while also talking about deer? He now owns a $3.4M condo? Rogan would wise up and revisit their conversation.
As for us Yanks, we think this was all part of a ‘Plandemic’ that can be watched on Rumble (with its sequel) because it was banned on YouTube. A New York City biogame was also held at the exact same time as the Wuhan military games in October 2019. The current ODNI director was a civilian sitting next to the head of China’s CDC. She then criticized her predecessor during the pandemic, and just two days later, a formal letter emerged from ODNI (basically the CIA) exonerating a potential Wuhan lab leak. The plandemic would lead to a lost presidential election during a booming economy and terminate Schedule F!

The latest is from a CIA officer-turned-whistleblower claiming bribes, and Fauci was secretly escorted into CIA headquarters to “influence” the lab leak debate.
There was a mysterious 2019 lung injury in American teens called Evali, which affected the US military, but it’s not contagious, and the kids liked black market vapes (i.e. weed pens). There was a summer 2019 “respiratory outbreak” in a Washington, D.C. area nursing home, but 8,000 Americans die naturally each day.
The bad news was that post-Covid deaths were up ~15% to 9,300 per day. The good news is that 10,000 Americans are born each day. To keep things in a global perspective, from 2020-21, about 280,000,000 people were born, but 120,000,000 died, and about 5,000,000 of those died with Covid. The guesstimated global Covid excess-death rate was approximately ~15,000,000 people, so it’s not the flu, bro.
It’s also not a bioweapon, dude, because Covid has a 99% survival rate. There were a lot of dissidents and defectors from China (rightfully) seeking asylum. They were willing to say anything for a green card, but none of it made sense in light of current information. NBC News (and D.C. think tanks seeking reparations) would start rumors of a PLA connection to the Wuhan research.
More PLA officers are doing business in Texas than Wuhan, probably diversifying wealth after Jack Ma’s arrest. The PLA didn’t take over the WIV until late January, and those rumors were based on a University of Minnesota paper. We will learn that co-authorship was used for many unrelated reasons, like sharing bat samples, bat cells, reagents, etc. All the labs in Wuhan are civilian and jive with the Chinese proverb, “The mountains are high, and the emperor is far away.”
Both sides pointed to Fort Detrick in Maryland, but it was always an anthrax and Ebola lab that was shut down because its "golden era" was long gone. Fort Detrick has zero coronavirus research and no cystic fibrosis department (for human airway cells), but here’s a connection if needed.
Days after 9/11, Jihad letters laced with weaponized (airborne) anthrax were mailed to Congressional members. We were told it came from Saddam Hussain in Iraq, but it was a Fort Detrick army doctor. He used a vaccine-challenge strain called Ames. Amerithrax was basically a false flag attack, but the US Army Doctor wanted to increase biodefense funding and succeeded.

Post 9/11, anthrax and SARS were a windfall for Fauci and NIAID. US Universities, like UNC, were already funded by NIAID but now served as a convenient workaround for the Biological Weapons Convention. Fauci purged the man who identified the anthrax culprit (Paul Keim) from the Gain of Function board. Keim later claimed “anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this” Fauci-funded work. There was a history of criticizing Gain of Function research and getting purged by Fauci.
Logic & reason
Let’s adopt Hanlon's razor while working through this sordid SARS2 story: Never attribute malice to something that is adequately explained by stupidity. A Russian anthrax lab leak was covered up for 15 years, and Amerithrax was covered up for 7 years. The recent 50th anniversary of a US Government health agency covering up the Tuskegee Syphilis study.
SARS2, originating from a human vaccine trial, is mainstream because this virus was preadapted to human infection. Maybe it was part of the Chinese ‘organ harvesting’ reports based on a religious cult in New York? Organ harvesting was involved in the creation of SARS2, but it is not what you assumed. In reality, it was the double-edged sword of a live-attenuated vaccine (LAV,) which was ideal for animals but never approved for humans.
In 2018, the U.S. military was again interested in bats not as front-line attackers, but as defenders against a potentially devastating threat: Russian bioweapons.
Fruit bats have an almost supernatural ability to harbor some of the planet’s most deadly viruses without getting sick themselves. Inject an Egyptian fruit bat with the Marburg virus — a hemorrhagic relative of the infamous Ebola virus — and nothing happens. Do the same thing to a human, and within a week, the patient could be bleeding to death.
These bats’ extraordinary super-immunity has long fascinated virologists, and new research has shed light on how these flying frugivores achieve their supreme skill.
Notice that SARS2 transmits in the exact same Egyptian fruit bats and infects Mexican free-tailed bats mentioned in that bat bomb article from 2018. Think “dual use” instead of a virus or a vaccine. Think remote animal reservoir vaccines, not human vaccines. Appreciate the 15-20 year bureaucracy for a human vaccine versus 2-5 years for an animal vaccine; this was the pathway to a human vaccine.
Virologists are just glorified veterinarians, zoologists, and bat immunologists. It’s where the large (US) biodefense money was located. One Health from Canada to Australia. Even the CEO of Pfizer was a veterinarian repurposing a cat drug, Paxlovid, to treat Covid.
Claims of an intentionally released bioweapon? At the front door of an international civilian lab that leads to both Beijing and Washington, D.C? A false flag attack like anthrax that involved a Wuhan wet market coverup? Covid as an economic or ethnically targeted bioweapon? This thing was so infectious it damaged everyone's economy and had zero discrimination. It infected everyone on the planet, but magically, we all survived to debate its origins?
SARS2 was a Master of Immune Evasion, which some see as a bioweapons program, but this was a design feature, not a bug. Self-disseminating vaccines are designed to evade the immune response (e.g. using Nsp1 and using Orf8 Orf6 etc.) since any pre-existing immunity to the vaccine vector slowed the vaccine spread. Western virologists patented methods to “modulate an immune response in a subject without deleterious effect on the subject.” Can we agree that if SARS2 was engineered, it wasn’t Chinese junk?
Fear sells the coming lockdowns
Wuhan was the obvious epicenter of SARS2, with the first hospital overflow in late December of 2019. The death of whistleblower and eye Dr. Li Wenliang? The NYT looked into his medical records but found nothing nefarious about his top-notch care. The Italian hospital videos in February frightened everyone, but they run out of ICU beds every flu season. Some think the CCP filmed fake videos of people falling dead in the Wuhan streets and scared the world’s populace to buy into the totalitarian idea of lockdowns. A Communist success story of suppressing the virus or a CCP New World Order!
It was probably just bored kids wanting to go ‘viral’ since most of the videos featured homeless people, SWAT team exercises, and drunks. Maybe local bureaucrats wanted to scare the local Wuhan populace into lockdown. The NYT science writer even urged us to “go medieval” while asking, “What would Mao do?” The scared populace was looking for a knowledgeable leader. On March 11th, we Americans were introduced to this lifetime bureaucrat named Anthony Fauci.
Fauci was precisely wrong by conflating the IFR with CFR, claiming SARS2 was “10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.” It was the decimal point that locked down the world. It was the fake news that may have led doctors (and hospitals collecting $40,000) to use ventilators, not wanting to breathe the same lethal air as sick patients. By April, 80% of Americans supported a lockdown since a desire for certainty made us gullible.
Do your own research
During the April 2020 lockdowns, I did my first deep dive into this lab leak riddle. I was more of “it’s just a flu, bro,” so let’s not shut down society. When news broke in April 2020 that Fauci funded some risky research in Wuhan, I was surprised but not shocked and assumed it was a very odd coincidence. I did some limited research on Gain-of-Function research, learning how ferrets were used as an airborne model.
In the summer of 2020, the Denmark ‘ferret’ cull confirmed a lab leak. But it later turned out the dead Danish ferrets were actually American mink called Neovison vison. They were found with bloody noses in Michigan (same species), but American mink are not found in China. But I would still assume this thing was Chinese junk, and it will burn out by the end of 2020. When the Covid cases spiked again in late 2020, I was shocked. This thing isn’t Chinese junk and won’t burn out.
I first became aware of the ‘peculiar’ furin cleavage site during a December 2020 road trip while listening to Rogan’s podcast. This was the biggest genetic clue for manipulation since the FCS was well studied by Western virologists but never found in a betacoronavirus.
I read Nicholson Baker’s masterpiece in New York Magazine in January 2021. He suggested how this virus could be a lab construct. I was amazed at the level of detail and would read it again a day later, but now wondering who are these two white guys (Baric and Daszak) mentioned 63 times? One was on the WHO committee ‘investigating’ the origins of Covid? Did the other collaborate with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on engineering coronaviruses?

The hypothesis sounded plausible. UNC and Western scientists published an anarchist cookbook showing the Wuhan researchers how to create this thing. I needed to learn more from Baker’s sources, so I started following the online detectives who called themselves DRASTIC.
My lab-leak suspicion only grew after learning about the first genetic clue: RaTG13 was renamed after being collected in 2013 from a mineshaft with three dead miners! Then we learned about the 2014 Master Thesis, which was found by an internet researcher and detailed the coverup. A conspiracy was born! All by a ragtag group of online renegades.
I would follow along every day of 2021, slowly getting involved in the online debate with others while reading everything I could get my online hands on. The fun increased in the summer of 2021 during the “Fauci Gate” emails and Congressional hearings. There was another detailed article (CGG-CGG!) by a former NYT science writer, but I noticed it wasn’t published by NYT; it was just posted on his Medium blog. If a 30-year science writer can’t get published, this was going to be tough to prove, so I eventually read enough to start my own blog.
This Covid Origins series will not lay out a theory; it is more of an idea for clarity, so let's make it self-disseminate.
WA1 is classified under lineage A, but the two defining mutations of lineage A are C8782T and T28144C and WA1 has the third mutation C18060T. Lineage B is identical to the Wuhan-Hu-1 reference genome, but WA1 has three mutations from Wuhan-Hu-1 and lineage A has two mutations. The three mutations of WA1 are ancestral in the sense that they are shared with other sarbecoviruses like BANAL-52 and RaTG13.
Almost all market samples were lineage B, apart from the environmental sample Env_0020/A20 which was taken from a glove.
WA1 is also identical with proCoV2 which Kumar et al. reconstructed as the hypothetical ancestor of known strains of SARS-CoV-2.
On GISAID there is also one sample from Guangdong which has 5 mutations from Wuhan-Hu-1, but all of them are ancestral in the sense that they are shared with RaTG13:
$ curl|xz -dc>gisaid2020.tsv;grep RaTG13 gisaid2020.tsv|cut -f12|tr , \\n|awk -F\\t 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next}$11<10{split($12,b,",");n=0;for(i in b)n+=b[i]in a?1:-1;print n FS$0}' - early.comb|awk '$1>=3'|sort -rn|cut -f1-8,12-13|tr \\t \||head -n1
So I just had a chance to listen to your podcast on Straight Talk. Well done.
I am trying to come across to your way of thinking in that Baric was a good guy and this was all an accident.
We agree on the Made in USA and released in Wuhan, but what stops me is that Ralph accidentally sent out a bat vaccine virus to WIV designed to immunize bats, presumably after running it past Linfa in Singapore, and not knowing his brilliantly engineered virus does not infect the target bats so is useless as a Vaccine, but it is superbly adopted to humans and is very transmissible (a perfect human vaccine), yet this is only found out by a lab accident in Wuhan.
Also, you certainly are correct that this was not much of a weapon in a militarized sense (designed to kill/incapacitate), but have you considered how perfect it was for Bioterrorism ?
“If notoriety, fear and directing foreign government policies are principle objectives, then the release and subsequent discovery of a synthetically derived virus bioweapon garner tremendous media coverage, inspire fear and terrorize human populations and direct severe pressure on government officials to respond in predicted ways.”