What a great interview! Prof Hsu is careful and thorough.

Thanks so much for your work on this. Your thesis is by far the most compelling.

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Thanks, he found me from Aya's interview/documentary. Both Aya and Prof Hsu kept me from rambling too much:


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Brilliant stuff !

Note there are only 5 animals that can efficiently contract SARS CoV 2 , and all are present in the Rocky Mountain Lab in Montana, USA.

Some coincidence. ...

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Jim Haslam, thank-you for your interest in my speculations, so far, as to what at root this whole covid-19 phenomenon fiasco, may be all about. You go so fast, and I got a life with some mundane responsibilities, and so I am having a hard time keeping up, to your astounding speed of cognition.

You have recently offered me an astounding take (to my mind, anyways) on Peter Thiel's apparent wrong-headed interpretation of Rene Girard's work (Thiel only seems to use the first part of the Girard insights, - the part about mimetic desire giving rise to the personal ans community scapegoating dynamic) , and I haven't even entirely gotten through even that recent offering of yours yet, which I really appreciate said offering, which has also really surprised me (in a good way), because it seems to well-validate my musings on the rather unconscious roots of supremacism, seemingly emanating from even a brilliant man, like Peter Thiel, perhaps personally unknowingly, for himself though. I got a whole lot to say about that, .... about how it is that supremacism is really quite psychologically intractable (perhaps even for the very brightest) until a very key root insight is achieved, around knowledge of the actual existence of the infinitude, for us finite beings (and I have prior said a whole lot about just that, within many comment threads at The Unz Review). I will soon come back to this your recent astounding and surprising offering on probable Peter Thiel ideation. Jim Haslam, you are an extremely intelligent person (someone who easily gleans probable nuanced meanings emanating from other people, within convos and such). You knew not of the Rene Girard insights yet you quickly found an extremely illuminating piece, around said insights, that extremely well pertains to my covid-19 phenomenon fiasco speculations.

Anyways, I decided I should leave aside the Peter Thiel issue as it relates to the rather unconscious psychological provenance of supremacism, for the moment (or more likely days, at my speed and time allowance) to instead more-so now zero in on your actual biologics claims, as there still seems to be alot of misunderstanding of such, among commenters at the recent The Unz Review thread you are contributing to. I noticed you have provided Dimples (and everyone) two recent youtube offerings, as per your comment #340 on said TUR thread. I am only part way through the first such recent vid, part 1 (I need to constantly stop and look up definitions of words and phrases used in the Darpa and EHA documents you are referencing, to make sure I am not misunderstanding anything).

Since I need to take a break now, to go on to other mundane matters, I thought it might be a bit useful if I weighed-in, as to what I have garnered, by way of your part 1 youtube vid, up to around the 26:20 mark. In that recent section you are discussing the unfunded EHA Defuse proposal. I would like to state the matter more empathically than you did in the vid, up to that point, as I think is probably appropriate. This is what I have garnered in that respect:

It is quite crazy and astounding that the listed people and their organizations, and their specific expertises, together, form an EHA March 2018 Defuse proposal, outlining coming up with a recipe for the production of a specialized sars-cov type spike protein agent, as antigen, to be introduced into bat populations, by way of an aerosolized transmission mode, so that said specialized sars-cov type spike protein agent, as antigen, would goose natural bat immune responses (that naturally, are more-so geared towards tolerating pathogens instead of eliminating them, among bats), to eliminate said antigen, by way of unnaturally elevated bat antibody production, to such specialized antigen (specialized sars-cov type spike protein agent) with intention of also causing such elevated bat antibody production to be a polyvalent action (i.e. - efficacious for many similar natural spike protein types).

This means the western human covid-19 vaxxes copied the same precise biologics template, but perhaps with the added danger imposed by switching out one of the nucleobases, for the human production of spike protein as antigen. All before this was even known whether such would even work properly among bats.

This means, I think, there is clear links, as far as expertise among persons and their assorted organizations, between lab-generated sars-cov-2 virus, and subsequent western human vaccine intervention. This logical inference (which I repetitively offered within comment threads at The Unz Review, but without your astounding smoking gun insights) is precisely what Unz never ever wanted to touch with a ten-foot pole. Very, very strange that. Early on Unz even obfuscated, that such would not even really be remotely likely, given the vast range of people working in the virology field, as he noted. Later he just refused to engage, on this valid point of mine. Look - I have always wanted to give Unz the benefit of the doubt as to why he closed his mind, to these glaring obvious circumstances.. But I really am at a loss on that front. In the end I think he behaves with treachery, in the service of an unstated agenda, and that recently, he tried to to bait you, towards a subsequent smear campaign that would have probably eventuated, around your take on Danielle Anderson. There is no good reason at all, not to put Danielle Anderson in the same category as Eddie Holmes (obfuscator, to cover ass, because powers that be possess career-ending coercive threat-potential). Unz's take on her credibility, otherwise is just about as mickey mouse as I have seen (I used to manage businesses featuring both cash, and large contract arrangements), .... Unz is a loon if he thinks people should just trust him that Danielle Anderson is holier-than-though on obfuscation matters, as based on those vids he referenced, which show no such thing. My takeaway is that there sure is a growing list of intentionality tells, around an unstated Unz agenda.

One more point before I break on all this for the day: On the Darpa project manager (a role I am well familiar with, within my prior commercial real estate management and development career, one of my many duties was to, on many occasions, act as owner's rep for project management responsibilities for commercial real estate re-development, which meant gathering architects, structural engineers, general contractor management, and even sub contractors on occasion, for twice monthly meetings generally, during the project execution, after doing the selection process, for all such personnel, and so I am well familiar with request for proposals and such, and how an owner's rep, or government rep, must well understand what he or she is selecting). This James Gimlett. He must know more about why Darpa would eventuate a BAA (request for proposal or quote) that woudl elicit this strangely very very focused ECA proposal.

Peter Thiel is deeply involved in DOD intrigue (you know, amazingly, even people like Noam Chomsky, in a much smaller way, have DOD associations). Darpa is the cutting edge of just that DOD intrigue. Just saying. James Gimlett's BAA seems to elicit Fauci's role as slice and dice funding maestro, with respect to forcing the eventuating of a human sars-cov-2 grand event. Fauci is pretty smart, I think. He knows what he did. If he spills the beans, America as the so-called 'indispensable nation' gig is up, and the Greater Israel Zionist Project hasn't finished using up the raw hegemon, later to be discarded, on that frontage, yet. Just saying. I would be very worried about the removal of Fauci's very large governmental security detail, right about now, if I were him. Maybe he should just 'preempt' (hahahaha!), to save his life, and just spill the beans. But then he spends his remaining years in prison and probably becomes a dead man there, anyways. What a quandary for Fauci. If people wanted to help Fauci out (not that he deserves it, to me mind, ... but he knows stuff is my point), maybe start laser focusing on James Gimlett and see where that may lead within the DOD ulterior chain of command. Maybe you already have laser focused on James Gimlett. Like I said, you are hard to keep up with, Jim Haslam. I think there is pretty god chance some attempted treachery may come your way. Watch out!

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Pete Lincoln is a good Substack follow who wrote the Girard/Thiel piece. I like Thiel, but I realize that's weird b/c he's weird.

You get it; the difference b/w the Covid animal vaccine spike and the human mRNA spike is minimal—just different delivery devices: aerosol vs jab.

The Marine who leaked the DARPA Defuse proposal and wrote the American-created bat vaccine letter to DoD was recently published. Look at his footnote #5 and 20:


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Hello again Jim Haslam. You may remember me from The Unz Review commentariat (Wild Man). I can no longer partake there. I suppose I am now not welcome there, because of some worthy speculations (worthy to my mind, anyways) I offered downstream from your findings, as also well supported by evidence, in any event, throughout the sars-cov-2 phenomenon ordeal, as I extensively offered over the past years within many comment threads at The Unz Review (which offerings were heavily de-rided by Unz, and often censored). Since being excluded over there I took a break from all this for a bit, and went and did other things instead, but just came upon your new post today, and it sparked by curiosity, again. I am in possession of your book now but haven't cracked it open yet (but will soon, now). As well, I only have viewed the first link you offered (interview with American physicist Steve Hsu) in this your article, and not the other vids yet.

However, I have burning question for you: In that same vein as per the speculations I long offered at The Unz Review, that led to my departure as a commenter there, what says you about the strange coercive and lying actions that emanated from western government circles, and particularly emanated from Anthony Fauci in America, with respect to the covid interventions clearly featuring strong coercive action towards the uptake of unwarranted and still experimental mRNA tech, as the prime and central intervention, given this tech is fraught with many problematic anomalous biologics actions, as it turns out, as is amply evidenced, even more-so over time, to present?

My point is, at 1:54:30, where Steve Hsu claims that the real scientists involved (on the origins matter), all round, probably had honorable motivations, .... I don't see any reason to quibble with that assessment at this point, except in the case of Anthony Fauci. Anthony Fauci was also very much involved with the covid interventions business as well, as also the pusher of the unwarranted and quite problematic experimental mRNA vaccine tech (and this tech is still problematic with respect to personalized cancer gene therapies, as well), for which his NIAID group at NIH had helped prior develop by way of funding such prior development actions (NIAID patents are held for such). You may think I am crazy, but I have thought about this some, and have concluded it is likely that a fast-tracked radical life extension project is underway, for the select few, for certain billionaires and their agents primarily, and the sars-cov-2 phenomenon was an early inning on eventuating a fast-tracking of just that. If I am not mistaken, paired with your evidentiary claims, this would then render the origins of sars-cov-2 as 'not accidental', and also as such, an extremely high-level (above national government level) conspiracy to use humanity (particularly people in western and western-influenced jurisdictions) as lab rats to experiment on, for the purpose of allowing those with supremacist ideation and aspirations, to eventuate such aspirations, in real terms now, for a select few. Your thoughts?

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Welcome back, Wild Man! We seek the truth over here. Thanks for the book buy since the open Fauci letter Chapter will be fun to read. He was obsessed with transmission going back to the AIDS days. I call the creation of Covid in Fauci's lab very intentional. Wuhan lab leak was accidental, but the coverup was also intentional:


We have already discussed this, but yes, mRNA and Covid spike proteins are 1 in the same. Never let a crisis go to waste. The elites are all germaphobes trying to eliminate every pathogen on the planet:


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Further to my earlier reply comment, I see this Unz article published since I posted the earlier comment:


Unz's analysis is garbage. For starters, the American intelligence community knew of signs of the earlier Wuhan area strange disease-vector outbreak because there actually was one, unlike Unz's weird convoluted take. Unz failed when, ages ago, I tore up his take on this as garbage, and then he would no longer further engage with me, on this issue.

Generally, his entire above-provided article is garbage, because it is largely based on his latest garbage takes, as I outlined here in an exchange with Unz (my comment #427), at The Unz Review, which comment led to me being blocked from commenting there any longer:


Look, .... it's not just Unz. It's people like Bill Gates too, for instance. Garbage is offered as smokescreen, all round. I am not crazy. There are many well-connected people that know about the real agenda, ... an unwarranted and premature fast-tracking of radical life extension pursuits, to my mind (probably including Jeremy Farrar), and offer smokescreens around that. Unz is supposed to be quite a bit smarter than me. Obviously, he has got an unstated hidden agenda. There is just no other way to see it, rationally.

All this is intimately tied to latest developments on the geopolitical scene (yes, all Palestinian areas remaining in the Israel region are about to be ethically cleansed) and to the petrodollar deep intrigue too, and to certain supremacist aspirations, generally.

What else did people think was going to happen, with the growing tech Pandora's box, all round? Cold hard logic. Western AI pursuits are suspect for same reason.

Fauci is probably dead man walking, right about now. His security detail removed, just as I predicted.

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Unz is a crank at best and a disinformation agent at worst. Almost everything he claims is obvious nonsense. When you challenge him he becomes aggressive and insulting. In the end he will censor you to have the last word. A malign narcissist.

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Re life extension science:


Food for thought. There are many biologics scientists very much interested in biologics vehicles for identifying mutations, and repairing such, inclusive of the use of novel vaccine technologies for repair, for life extension goals. I really don't think I am crazy. I really do think it is likely there is an unstated ulterior agenda at play here, with respect to the overall sars-cov-2 phenomenon inclusive of the very very weirdly coerced unwarranted interventions, as such, coloring rational views on hidden agendas and likely real intentions, around the origins business, as well.

I wrote nearly 800,000 words at The Unz Review, over the years. Ron Unz wouldn't touch the very long list of very very weird coerced unwarranted interventions, I provided there, showing the deception-signal was laser-focused upon promoting the unwarranted mRNA vaccine tech, with a ten-foot pole.

From what I recall, American physicist Steve Hsu shared Ron Unz's views re this very very weird list of unwarranted coercive covid-19 interventions, was a nothingburger, early on, in 2021. I cannot find those Steve Hsu attributions now. Ron Unz had stated (quite rarely, only when pressed hard, otherwise he ignored all the intrigue within the covid western vaxx topic, for which there was tons) that the reason he was weird (to my mind he was weird) on this angle, is because he knew a bunch of high-level people (including Steve Hsu I have pretty good reason for presuming) possessing the appropriate expertise, that told Unz the anti-vaxxers were all know-nothing goons.

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Ron's latest is interesting; he is working through Chapter 15. The vax talk is all water under the bridge once you realize the virus was the vaccine. Dr Deepak said it best: it was a vaccine against a vaccine!


Farrar’s NIH speech to Fauci et al in June 2019. He mentions why Wellcome is so powerful at 16min mark: no living donor, no shareholders, no family members:


Bill Gates funded EcoHealth and self-spreading animal vaccines. Ron et al love the concept of vaccines, so to find out the virus was the vaccine is tragic.

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Baric’s DEFUSE and Munster’s PREEMPT proposal both planned using recombinant vector vaccines. DEFUSE looked to use a Raccoon Pox virus vector while Munster planned to use ChAd/VSV. Neither could have resulted in a LAV with a full length coronavirus. Clearly they did go ahead with a LAV coronavirus that was SC2 but I think this was for humans and release was likely deliberate and not accidental. DARPA would not likely have approved Munsters proposal if it was a LAV because as the Nature article you linked to recommended

“to reduce unanticipated consequences of transmissible vaccines: (1) use recombinant vector rather than attenuated vaccines (or at least avoid attenuated vaccines derived from the pathogen)”

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We got the worst of both worlds: Baric's LAV + Munster's transmissible.

That 2018 LAV bat vaccine paper of Baric:


Contains the infamous UGGUCGC TRS, found in RaTG13, Laos Banal-52, and SARS2:


Your human Covid antibodies protect you against Laos Banal bat samples!

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great interview but Pete is correct: Munster wasn't developing a self-spreading vaccine, but simply a viral-vector vaccine. This was a misunderstanding.

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Munster's winning 2018 DARPA project was FOIA'd in 2021:

"CSU records on PREEMPT show that RML, CSU, and MSU are developing 'scalable vectored' vaccines to spread through bat populations 'to prevent emergence and spillover' of potential pandemic viruses from bats to human populations."


Inside the FOIA was the jackpot:

"RML will develop and test a scalable vectored vaccine for target henipaviruses in bats."

Munster's 2019 ppt to DARPA showed the transmission models of EFB and Syrian hamsters (also SARS2 transmission models)


DARPA's Jim Gimlett confirmed he wanted a self-spreading bat vaccine:


DARPA team member Alex Washburne confirmed it was VSV (not LAV)


Enter Baric's LAV for "reservoir species, such as bats,"


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"scalable vectored vaccine": as I said, a vector vaccine, but not a self-spreading vaccine. this was a misunderstanding, Jim. You can distribute vector vaccines in many ways, but it's not a self-spreading vaccine.

Washburne: VSV is just a viral vector (Vesicular Stomatitis Virus), not a self-spreading vaccine.

Gimlett: self-disseminating means no manual dissemination, it doesn't mean self-spreading. and even this was just "ideas being circulated".

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Rick, self-disseminating means just that, "self-spreading," contagious, transmissible, or horizontally transferable. And yes, this was an "idea being circulated"


By RML in 2016:


Gimlett said the traditional vaccine method was "expensive and crude."

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No, self-disseminating can mean distribution via bait, aerosol cloud, gels or whatever. In some cases there can be limited horizontal transfer, like when they share bait or touch each it other. But it's NOT a self-spreading viral vaccine. This was a misunderstanding. Baric/Munster never worked on such a thing. This is still largely a theoretical concept. Didn't happen with DARPA or CREID or WIV. It was always about an old-school viral vector vaccine.

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