Baric’s DEFUSE and Munster’s PREEMPT proposal both planned using recombinant vector vaccines. DEFUSE looked to use a Raccoon Pox virus vector while Munster planned to use ChAd/VSV. Neither could have resulted in a LAV with a full length coronavirus. Clearly they did go ahead with a LAV coronavirus that was SC2 but I think this was for humans and release was likely deliberate and not accidental. DARPA would not likely have approved Munsters proposal if it was a LAV because as the Nature article you linked to recommended
“to reduce unanticipated consequences of transmissible vaccines: (1) use recombinant vector rather than attenuated vaccines (or at least avoid attenuated vaccines derived from the pathogen)”
great interview but Pete is correct: Munster wasn't developing a self-spreading vaccine, but simply a viral-vector vaccine. This was a misunderstanding.
What a great interview! Prof Hsu is careful and thorough.
Thanks so much for your work on this. Your thesis is by far the most compelling.
Thanks, he found me from Aya's interview/documentary. Both Aya and Prof Hsu kept me from rambling too much:
Brilliant stuff !
Note there are only 5 animals that can efficiently contract SARS CoV 2 , and all are present in the Rocky Mountain Lab in Montana, USA.
Some coincidence. ...
Baric’s DEFUSE and Munster’s PREEMPT proposal both planned using recombinant vector vaccines. DEFUSE looked to use a Raccoon Pox virus vector while Munster planned to use ChAd/VSV. Neither could have resulted in a LAV with a full length coronavirus. Clearly they did go ahead with a LAV coronavirus that was SC2 but I think this was for humans and release was likely deliberate and not accidental. DARPA would not likely have approved Munsters proposal if it was a LAV because as the Nature article you linked to recommended
“to reduce unanticipated consequences of transmissible vaccines: (1) use recombinant vector rather than attenuated vaccines (or at least avoid attenuated vaccines derived from the pathogen)”
We got the worst of both worlds: Baric's LAV + Munster's transmissible.
That 2018 LAV bat vaccine paper of Baric:
Contains the infamous UGGUCGC TRS, found in RaTG13, Laos Banal-52, and SARS2:
Your human Covid antibodies protect you against Laos Banal bat samples!
great interview but Pete is correct: Munster wasn't developing a self-spreading vaccine, but simply a viral-vector vaccine. This was a misunderstanding.