"After the pandemic arose, Morens and another NIAID scientist named Jeffery Taubenberger wrote an editorial defending EcoHealth and referred to people concerned about gain-of-function research as “luddites” and “the complaining crowd.”
This reminded me of how a network of(grant-receiving) research scientists within and without USA have acted together totally 'under the radar' to reinforce each others claims to legitimacy in their GOF work. I find no mention of either Kawaoka,(U Wisconsin/Kobe Japan)Fouchier(Holland)or Kobinger(Manitoba)here, and even on the RTK site itself, only Kawaoka is referenced, and that only this very month of 02/2025.
Without each of whom, it can be argued, none of the work finally 'packaged' as SarsCovid19 could have been done. At least 5 country's government & labs appear to have been wittingly involved in the creation process. For that degree of cooperation/collusion to remain so occluded speaks to both the illicit intent and top level involvement of what one is forced to conclude must be an interlocking medical/judicial/political 'mafia' that has no recognition of putative 'national sovereignties or legacy concepts like 'human rights.'
For whatever reason I cannot access any of the threads on X. So apologies in advance if I ask for redundant info. In playing 'catch up' in the interim since my previous comment, I've learned.... a)Munster more than Ralphie you now consider the 'prime agent' b)Enbright is a 'bete noire' of yours. Too many directions spin off from here, so I'm going to choose just a couple to go with;
The overall 'atmosphere' created by your work is one of FEAR. That being the operative quality I glean from Enbright/Danzak/et al's communications/or lack thereof. So I believe it wise to extend our metaphor of "biological mafia" to "supranational mafia" of "players" more like Ian Flemings "imaginary" one than most folks will ever believe. Which resonates with my current desire to peek behind the (limited hangout)curtains which dialectically deceive with "DOD DID IT/CPP DID IT" so as to muddy the waters interminably. If Fauci plays 'Faust'... what is the supranational entity which can not only contract with him, but inspire FEAR into the hearts of every scientific/political/executive player in this theater macabre?
Surprisingly, I didn't even have to leave your precincts to get a clue about being 'on the right trail.' In your "LET'S BE BLUNT" I immediately recognized a name - Franz - former director of the FT DETRICK lab from which the anthrax used the in famous attacks was traced to. Something called "The Camel Club" existed therein... sponsored or supported by the commander himself and directed against an Egyptian born American scientist (and citizen)which came to public attention in 2001 when a letter implying "muslim" and "terrorist" = 'guilty' in the now well known manner, was circulated by members of that group; who, it turns out, were indeed the likely perpetrators themselves.
I'll leave it at that for now... and go back to my 'catch up' work. One thing I might ask though; my download of the Nature piece you reference in another of your posts -
"Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirusas a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform Rachel L. Graham1, Damon J. Deming1,2,3, Meagan E. Deming2,4, Boyd L. Yount1 & Ralph S. Baric1,2"
is bizarrely giving me back zero hits on anything like "Yunnan" "Mojiang" or anything that might help find the Baric reference. Unlikely that the mistake is on your end, but if you can... pls check on that one. It's a key reference I believe.
Excellent summary; you caught up quickly. Baric's "national security" Nature paper on a live attenuated vaccine "for reservoir species, such as bats" referenced the Mojiang "mineshaft" #55 where RaTG13 was collected:
Still deep down in the "mineshaft" but had to come up for a moment for this: Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2025.01.042 = Li Shi's back!
So, why now. Why the return to the 'bat business' & Hong Kong? What's the connection to the proclaimed "new outbreak in China?" Pangolin/mink covert meet ups with bat buds? Mustelidae, back on the hook? Oh, I thought 'insect-eaters' were off. Care to share any insights?
Hong Kong University (HKU samples) also researches coronavirus. Baric gave a presentation there, notice the similar Type IIs restriction sites found in SARS2:
Yes, I'm on board with your 'vero cells=Zhi clean’ explication. Not interested in wasting your time. Coming at this from a very different direction ... so I'm gonna rework the comment to avoid confusion.
The guiding principle here seems to be - in the 'emerging/merging diseases business' - nothing is as it seems.
In relation to Zhi, I'm questioning the release of the study, more precisely timing thereof, as part of the wider topic of 'pending' lab-created "pandemic" preps. Reading through https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.02363-24(The novel H10N3 avian influenza virus acquired airborne transmission among chickens: an increasing threat to public health)this Yunnan avian-human transmission case may help make my question seem less 'outre.' Why Yunnan. Why now. I couldn't help but remember the strange poultry presence in the Winnipeg NMAL during the Qiu interim. SARS-COV2 strands into an avian gamma coronavirus would probably be the 'holy grail' of some madman in a lab coat. Wild/domestic barriers breached, aerosol dispersal via wildfowl would seem within reach.
Avian influenzas/poultry culls being all the rage in the western medias right now I'm inclined towards seeing a "phase two" of 2009's "bird flu" scam looming up dead ahead. I'm struck by the parallels to this situation of the moment and fall 2001's 'predictive programming' detailed in the "Anthrax Deception" book by McQueen. And the Kostaive sa-mRNA HN51 trials which Arcturus has received permission from FDA for. At the same time Moderna is getting sliced and diced by the new HHS on their Biden bird flu contract. No-needle vax, comin up for Bird Floo Round Two.
Quite a lot of 'telegraphing' going on here for those who read 'smoke signals.' I'm agnostic on Zhi as black hat/white hat... but I do believe she be a pawn-unwitting or otherwise- in a bigger game, of the sort played by those we previously agreed represent an 'international' syndicate.
Worst case scenario - you lose 20 minutes of your day thinking bout the role Batgirl might be playing in the pre-plandemic. Best case... we get tagged as the brainiacs who called the 2025 superplandemic months before it happened!
That you’ve been lockdowned for nothing? Johns Hopkins meta-analysis of 18000 studies proved that lockdowns didn’t work and worse, killed people by stopping those with cancer or heart conditions from getting testing and treatment
Could you please explain why no Health Agency researched the 30+ COVID effective cures, but instead censored and banned the doctors successfully applying them? Was it because a successful cure would void the Emergency Use Authorization of the lethal vaccines?
Should every single vaxxed on the planet be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA plasmids in their vaccines, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence in the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada?
Failed again? Show 10 secs in the middle of this video (who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you)
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet 8 towers down. WTC7 imploded, free falling on its footprint, in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach as well as the unblemished Deutsche Bank. All 7 World Trade Center towers and that bank needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center...
The “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings.
The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
There's a plan to slow-murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by 200 infiltrated FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:
- Since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population by adding hCG to infertilize women: lab-detected in 30 countries, and overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” (tampering) by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas). Check SoundChoice.org or videos.
- Excess deaths in the first 2 years: 40 million people killed by the lethal injections... so far. COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
The COVID vax infertility bomb will explode in 10-20 years, when the haxxed children grow up.
Even if unhaxxed children evade self-replicating transfecting haxxines (replicons) but marry haxxed ones ... just as planned, the only choice left: DNA-designed infertile transhumanized babies, for an ever dependency on immoral IVF (for every IVF-born, 25 are lost or murdered).
2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts, and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite and Weather Radars’ Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.
3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing crop/food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of us.
- Apart from sin-empowered demons, what is their main source of power? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
Taking down central banking doesn't solve the problem. Their source of free endless money is counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking and financial instruments (e.g. derivatives, debt over debt, compound interest above real growth, etc.). Also, insider information, sabotage, infiltration, manufactured news and events to create profitable market-movements.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies such as masonry) create trillions out of thin air and launder them through their Banks, foundations, and foreign loans and “aid”, with which they buy puppeticians and seats in the boards of the Federal Reserve (the only private-run Central Bank in the world), judiciary, corporations, media, healthcare, universities, foundations, political parties, etc.
The masons’ worst nightmare is that the daydreaming majority wakes up, finds out their crimes, and seek justice. We are a million to one. Until they achieve the CBDC digi-tatorship, they are walking on a tight rope.
We've got a very small window of opportunity to fight or ... die (they want to murder 95% of us).
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Kopp's piece from 9/2024 includes this:
"After the pandemic arose, Morens and another NIAID scientist named Jeffery Taubenberger wrote an editorial defending EcoHealth and referred to people concerned about gain-of-function research as “luddites” and “the complaining crowd.”
This reminded me of how a network of(grant-receiving) research scientists within and without USA have acted together totally 'under the radar' to reinforce each others claims to legitimacy in their GOF work. I find no mention of either Kawaoka,(U Wisconsin/Kobe Japan)Fouchier(Holland)or Kobinger(Manitoba)here, and even on the RTK site itself, only Kawaoka is referenced, and that only this very month of 02/2025.
Without each of whom, it can be argued, none of the work finally 'packaged' as SarsCovid19 could have been done. At least 5 country's government & labs appear to have been wittingly involved in the creation process. For that degree of cooperation/collusion to remain so occluded speaks to both the illicit intent and top level involvement of what one is forced to conclude must be an interlocking medical/judicial/political 'mafia' that has no recognition of putative 'national sovereignties or legacy concepts like 'human rights.'
Yes, they are all connected in a biological mafia. Morens, Baric, and Taubenberger exchanged emails:
Munster is Fouchier's protégé from Holland. Kawaoka published hamster transmission with Baric
For whatever reason I cannot access any of the threads on X. So apologies in advance if I ask for redundant info. In playing 'catch up' in the interim since my previous comment, I've learned.... a)Munster more than Ralphie you now consider the 'prime agent' b)Enbright is a 'bete noire' of yours. Too many directions spin off from here, so I'm going to choose just a couple to go with;
The overall 'atmosphere' created by your work is one of FEAR. That being the operative quality I glean from Enbright/Danzak/et al's communications/or lack thereof. So I believe it wise to extend our metaphor of "biological mafia" to "supranational mafia" of "players" more like Ian Flemings "imaginary" one than most folks will ever believe. Which resonates with my current desire to peek behind the (limited hangout)curtains which dialectically deceive with "DOD DID IT/CPP DID IT" so as to muddy the waters interminably. If Fauci plays 'Faust'... what is the supranational entity which can not only contract with him, but inspire FEAR into the hearts of every scientific/political/executive player in this theater macabre?
Surprisingly, I didn't even have to leave your precincts to get a clue about being 'on the right trail.' In your "LET'S BE BLUNT" I immediately recognized a name - Franz - former director of the FT DETRICK lab from which the anthrax used the in famous attacks was traced to. Something called "The Camel Club" existed therein... sponsored or supported by the commander himself and directed against an Egyptian born American scientist (and citizen)which came to public attention in 2001 when a letter implying "muslim" and "terrorist" = 'guilty' in the now well known manner, was circulated by members of that group; who, it turns out, were indeed the likely perpetrators themselves.
I'll leave it at that for now... and go back to my 'catch up' work. One thing I might ask though; my download of the Nature piece you reference in another of your posts -
"Evaluation of a recombination-resistant coronavirusas a broadly applicable, rapidly implementable vaccine platform Rachel L. Graham1, Damon J. Deming1,2,3, Meagan E. Deming2,4, Boyd L. Yount1 & Ralph S. Baric1,2"
is bizarrely giving me back zero hits on anything like "Yunnan" "Mojiang" or anything that might help find the Baric reference. Unlikely that the mistake is on your end, but if you can... pls check on that one. It's a key reference I believe.
Excellent summary; you caught up quickly. Baric's "national security" Nature paper on a live attenuated vaccine "for reservoir species, such as bats" referenced the Mojiang "mineshaft" #55 where RaTG13 was collected:
In that paper, Baric also referenced the RaTG13 TRS called UGGUCGC:
I forgot about Franz. Baric once worked at Detrick
Yes, Ebright is 'bete noire' but we used to be BFF:
Munster was even working on a (transmissible) camel vaccine:
Still deep down in the "mineshaft" but had to come up for a moment for this: Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2025.01.042 = Li Shi's back!
So, why now. Why the return to the 'bat business' & Hong Kong? What's the connection to the proclaimed "new outbreak in China?" Pangolin/mink covert meet ups with bat buds? Mustelidae, back on the hook? Oh, I thought 'insect-eaters' were off. Care to share any insights?
Shi used Vero cells in all her research, which delete the furin cleavage site:
Hong Kong University (HKU samples) also researches coronavirus. Baric gave a presentation there, notice the similar Type IIs restriction sites found in SARS2:
Yes, I'm on board with your 'vero cells=Zhi clean’ explication. Not interested in wasting your time. Coming at this from a very different direction ... so I'm gonna rework the comment to avoid confusion.
The guiding principle here seems to be - in the 'emerging/merging diseases business' - nothing is as it seems.
In relation to Zhi, I'm questioning the release of the study, more precisely timing thereof, as part of the wider topic of 'pending' lab-created "pandemic" preps. Reading through https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.02363-24(The novel H10N3 avian influenza virus acquired airborne transmission among chickens: an increasing threat to public health)this Yunnan avian-human transmission case may help make my question seem less 'outre.' Why Yunnan. Why now. I couldn't help but remember the strange poultry presence in the Winnipeg NMAL during the Qiu interim. SARS-COV2 strands into an avian gamma coronavirus would probably be the 'holy grail' of some madman in a lab coat. Wild/domestic barriers breached, aerosol dispersal via wildfowl would seem within reach.
Avian influenzas/poultry culls being all the rage in the western medias right now I'm inclined towards seeing a "phase two" of 2009's "bird flu" scam looming up dead ahead. I'm struck by the parallels to this situation of the moment and fall 2001's 'predictive programming' detailed in the "Anthrax Deception" book by McQueen. And the Kostaive sa-mRNA HN51 trials which Arcturus has received permission from FDA for. At the same time Moderna is getting sliced and diced by the new HHS on their Biden bird flu contract. No-needle vax, comin up for Bird Floo Round Two.
Quite a lot of 'telegraphing' going on here for those who read 'smoke signals.' I'm agnostic on Zhi as black hat/white hat... but I do believe she be a pawn-unwitting or otherwise- in a bigger game, of the sort played by those we previously agreed represent an 'international' syndicate.
Worst case scenario - you lose 20 minutes of your day thinking bout the role Batgirl might be playing in the pre-plandemic. Best case... we get tagged as the brainiacs who called the 2025 superplandemic months before it happened!
Wow this is really something. Holy smokes.
This is an amazing well researched article! It complements my findings proving that COVID was released in Aug 2019:
What’s your best way to wake-up those who didn’t yet?
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
What’s your experience about asking for an opinion on the following topics?
Why is food poisoning legal? (Rumsfeld forced the FDA approval of Aspartame/Nutrasweet)
Your phone attacking with ultrasonic booms?
How could a father get 20 million dollars from the Government?
A 20 sec video of a baby with vax seizures?
Your opinion about Big Pharma scandals?
Ready for anti-COVIDiot pills?
Did you know that Fauci admitted that there was no scientific basis for social distancing?
That the CDC admitted that masking was useless against COVID?
That you’ve been lockdowned for nothing? Johns Hopkins meta-analysis of 18000 studies proved that lockdowns didn’t work and worse, killed people by stopping those with cancer or heart conditions from getting testing and treatment
Could you please explain why no Health Agency researched the 30+ COVID effective cures, but instead censored and banned the doctors successfully applying them? Was it because a successful cure would void the Emergency Use Authorization of the lethal vaccines?
Should every single vaxxed on the planet be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA plasmids in their vaccines, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence in the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada?
Failed again? Show 10 secs in the middle of this video (who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you)
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet 8 towers down. WTC7 imploded, free falling on its footprint, in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach as well as the unblemished Deutsche Bank. All 7 World Trade Center towers and that bank needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center...
The “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings.
The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
There's a plan to slow-murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by 200 infiltrated FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:
Weaponization of migration to destroy nations
Elections: bought or stolen? Both!
Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:
(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, amazing tool for a discussion):
- Since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population by adding hCG to infertilize women: lab-detected in 30 countries, and overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” (tampering) by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas). Check SoundChoice.org or videos.
- Excess deaths in the first 2 years: 40 million people killed by the lethal injections... so far. COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
The COVID vax infertility bomb will explode in 10-20 years, when the haxxed children grow up.
Even if unhaxxed children evade self-replicating transfecting haxxines (replicons) but marry haxxed ones ... just as planned, the only choice left: DNA-designed infertile transhumanized babies, for an ever dependency on immoral IVF (for every IVF-born, 25 are lost or murdered).
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
- Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer
Go green with gasoline!
- You are the carbon they want to exterminate! Proven in 3:
1. No one denies that man affects the weather, but science disagrees with the official narrative.
Prehistoric data from ice cores proves that temperature rise precedes carbon release in the atmosphere, not the other way around.
2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts, and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite and Weather Radars’ Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.
3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing crop/food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of us.
- Apart from sin-empowered demons, what is their main source of power? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
Taking down central banking doesn't solve the problem. Their source of free endless money is counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking and financial instruments (e.g. derivatives, debt over debt, compound interest above real growth, etc.). Also, insider information, sabotage, infiltration, manufactured news and events to create profitable market-movements.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies such as masonry) create trillions out of thin air and launder them through their Banks, foundations, and foreign loans and “aid”, with which they buy puppeticians and seats in the boards of the Federal Reserve (the only private-run Central Bank in the world), judiciary, corporations, media, healthcare, universities, foundations, political parties, etc.
The masons’ worst nightmare is that the daydreaming majority wakes up, finds out their crimes, and seek justice. We are a million to one. Until they achieve the CBDC digi-tatorship, they are walking on a tight rope.
We've got a very small window of opportunity to fight or ... die (they want to murder 95% of us).
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
Interesting. My ears perked up at 8 towers down on 9/11. I’m listening. WTC 1, 2, and 7 obviously gone, but there were five more? Thanks.