Fauci responds to Covid committee report
Tony Fauci denied that he “prompted” the Proximal Origin paper by Andersen et al. “Thanks for your note,” Fauci replied in March 2020 to Kristian Andersen. “Nice job on the paper.” Francis Collin’s lawyers also try to deny it but, in the process, admit it: The Final Report’s cited source, in which Collins opines that the paper was “really well done, and I would argue ought to be made public ASAP,” is inapposite. Collins even posted the natural origin paper on his NIH blog.
Courtesy of
.Ralph Baric is cited three times, suggesting he was the paper's primary ghostwriter. Baric then claimed Andersen’s “arguments are compelling.”
Lab leak media covering up a lab leak?
A Washington, D.C., journalist contacted me after the Dr. McCullough book interview, puzzled by Baric's involvement in the Feb. 1 teleconference—no Western media have reported this fact. Katherine Eban of Vanity Fair had an advance copy of Baric's testimony but has not responded to my questions about this omission. In other words, Fauci secretly invited the one person who proposed to insert furin cleavage sites in novel coronaviruses and test on bats in Wuhan. Baric testified:
Baric: I was on a phone conference with him (Fauci) on February 1st of 2020 that had to do with the origins.
Committee: The February 1st call with Dr. Fauci, Dr. Andersen, and Dr. Farrar, and ten or so others, we have gotten emails from almost every American participant on the call, and haven't seen your name come up anywhere. So I was surprised to hear that you were on it. But I want to confirm that you were on the call?
Baric: I think I was. My recollection is this meeting was heavily dominated by the evolutionary biologists, who were split on the origin of the virus.
Those “evolutionary biologists” were Andersen et al., who told Fauci on Jan 31, 2020, that we find the SARS2 genome “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.” Then, Fauci called Baric, who later “attacked” Andersen.
Fauci’s CREID-Pro-Quo?
writes: Kristian Andersen’s testimony was false. While Andersen’s CREID grant had been reviewed, it still awaited Fauci’s final approval and signature.The grant wasn’t finalized until May 21, 2020. In other words, it was on Fauci’s desk at the time of the (Feb 1) conference call. Andersen’s lab announced the funding in a press release in August 2020, nine months after he claimed it was already finalized. The press release describes it as a “new $8.9 million grant.”
The funding debate overlooks the larger story: Peter Daszak and Baric’s rejected DARPA Defuse proposal (Technical Area 2) was redirected into Fauci’s $82 million CREID grant. In November 2019, Fauci awarded Daszak and Baric $7.5M despite their lousy score. For comparison, Andersen and Bob Garry scored a better/lower 27, so Daszak’s 32 would “put us right on the edge of being funded,” but Fauci “will be making this decision.”
Prof Sachs on Tucker Carlson
“Where did that pandemic come from? The evidence is overwhelming, though still not definitive, that Covid was made in a US lab.”
Who is Sach’s only lab leak critic?
said, “He blames Fauci but with a sleight of hand in mind, and that China is a scapegoat?” Most lab leakers, like Jordan, find joy in carrying Fauci’s water. The word China short-circuited everyone’s brain, but Wuhan (a university town) has more to do with Chapel Hill or Bozeman, Montana, than the CCP in Beijing.Why Wuhan?
Many readers ask why Fauci would fund GoF and test bat vaccines in China, our adversary. Wuhan was the live Chinese bat capital of the world and an asset to Western virologists.
In a March 2020 email, Jon Epstein discussed the problematic logistics of importing Chinese horseshoe bats to American labs. Tony Schountz of CSU responded, “Don’t know if Chinese horseshoe bats can be born in captivity, but that could be an avenue to alleviate CDC concerns.” Schountz in Colorado kept the (easy to feed & breed) Egyptian fruit bat colony for Munster in Montana.
Virology labs tend to specialize in the viruses around them, said Vincent Munster, a virologist at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Montana. The WIV specializes in coronaviruses because many have been found in and around China. Munster names other labs that focus on endemic viral diseases: influenza labs in Asia, hemorrhagic fever labs in Africa, and dengue-fever labs in Latin America, for example. “Nine out of ten times, when there’s a new outbreak, you’ll find a lab working on these kinds of viruses nearby,” said Munster to Scientific American in June 2021.
A US Marine Corps officer claims he first told the Pentagon about a lab leak in China in October 2019.
Early indication warnings? None
The US CDC, the Defense Intelligence Agency’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch, and the Department of Homeland Security’s National Biosurveillance Integration Center all learned of COVID-19 through the same publicly available open source report, a ProMED post (on Dec 30, 2019), at least a month after the virus had already been circulating in China. CDC officials confirmed to the (Senate) Committee that they first viewed the report on Dec 30, 2019 and Department of Defense (DoD) officials first became aware of the report one day later, on Dec 31, 2019. DoD told the Committee an April 2020 news report was incorrect in its claims that the NCMI warned as early as November 2019 of a potential epidemic spreading throughout China. DoD officials confirmed for the Committee that DoD did not rely on any classified intelligence to identify the emerging novel coronavirus threat. DoD also told the Committee news reports’ assertions that such warnings were conveyed through an intelligence report to the Pentagon’s Joint Staff, the National Security Council, the White House, and the President’s Daily Brief were also incorrect. No such intelligence product or briefing exists, according to DoD. Instead, DoD, DHS, and CDC generally relied on publicly available information, including public news reports from China, to inform their analysis of the emerging threat.
Were the insiders still outsiders?
Covid was an R&D accident by half a dozen scientists, so there was no coordinated coverup. Ian Lipkin of Columbia claimed to have known of a Wuhan outbreak by December 15, 2019. Vincent Munster’s former advisors, Marion Koopmans and Ron Fouchier of Erasmus, learned of an outbreak by early December. In the video below, Fouchier said Sinterklaas (a Dutch celebration on Dec 5th) but later claimed he misspoke.
Koopmans responded to the WA1 survey in the back of my book. That was when I realized no one understood what Covid was—not even the CIA.
The declassified intel
The only evidence the intelligence community has presented involves three sick Wuhan researchers. However, this claim originated as an online rumor promoted by a single State Department employee, David Asher, who himself doubts its credibility. Young lab workers generally don't get severely ill from Covid.
Intel rep interviewed
The Covid committee’s decision not to interview Major Joseph Murphy speaks volumes. Perhaps Murphy declined, or the Republican-led committee chose to avoid putting his “American-created recombinant bat vaccine” letter on official congressional records. Instead, they interviewed Jean-Paul Chretien, an obscure bureaucrat from the military's NCMI:
Committee: When did you first hear about what became COVID-19?
Chritien: In December of 2019.
Committee: Through the Chinese reporting -- that was reported on PubMed?
Chritien: Yes, there were reports in PubMed (on Dec 30, 2019). And without getting into classified information, we did have other indications besides public reporting.
The NCMI, a bio-spy group of virologists, alerted the US government to an early outbreak, though Jean-Paul Chretien confirmed it was December, not November 2019. Known as “Medical SIGINT” after the Edward Snowden leaks, the group had been monitoring for “SARS in China” since the 2003 outbreak. Chretien, now a program manager at DARPA, also co-authored a paper questioning the Proximal Origin paper.
Long, Contentious Battle to Regulate GoF Work
In early 2012, federal officials summoned Michael Imperiale from his home in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to a large conference room in Bethesda, Maryland. There, they handed the virologist drafts of two scientific papers. A foreign government had deemed one draft’s contents so risky that it could not be sent via the postal service or attached to an email.
Michigan virologist Micheal Imperiale was 1 of 100+ scientists surveyed in my book but replied, "Not my area of expertise."
A lab leak “debate” with Alina Chan and John P Moore
Cornell virologist John Moore participated in my scientific survey. He debated me, unlike Alina, exchanging several emails, but when presented with the “smoke stick” email, he replied, “I don’t have time to communicate with you on this topic.”
Wuhan toilets
Wet market debates should be avoided since “drains and toilets” often dominate the discussion with
. However, Yuri Deigin avoids addressing the SARS2 strain predating lineages A and B. It is known as WA1 but was renamed proCoV2. As discussed in Chapter 27, it’s biological proof of a Wuhan lab leak and a Rocky Mountain Lab origin.Toward the end of the debate, Yuri claims the Chinese (i.e., Shi) were the “lead researchers” in DARPA Defuse. Baric testified, “So to start off, the idea of manipulating the protease was clearly mine. No question.”
America’s rebel
Ron Unz has been banned from polite (liberal) society, but the lab leak debate makes him an unwitting accomplice in a Western academic coverup. He believes Covid was a bioweapon attack by America on Wuhan (or Iran). In his latest piece, Ron blames the hostile Western elite for China’s dirty image, but he references the words of Dani Anderson to claim no lab leak:
Our intelligence agencies almost immediately began circulating the claims that the virus had been the result of a lab-leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, probably a consequence of its unsafe working conditions. However, there was never the slightest solid evidence that any such lab-leak had occurred, and an experienced Western virologist working there at the time was extremely skeptical of such a possibility, while she also described the lab’s safety procedures as being outstanding.
Ron told me he would try to catch up!
Ann Coulter is zoonati?
Yes, Coulter, who hates (legal) immigration more than Trump, blamed the Wuhan wet market:
Besides the truth mattering for its own sake (and it’s never good for right-wingers to look nuts), the lab leak theory is just another cowardly conservative version of ALL CULTURES ARE THE SAME! We can assimilate raccoon anus-eaters as well as we can a Frenchman!
Prof Ebright interview
Richard Ebright avoids mentioning DARPA Defuse but frequently uses the term “bioweapons,” complicating the lab leak debate. Like Alina Chan, he thinks humans are the only mammals on the planet, so anything circulating in humans was designed for humans. Bats aren’t birds; they’re mammals.
I don’t denigrate Ebright in the book, but he denigrated others in the media. In the end, Ebright was an unwitting accomplice in a Fauci-led cover-up.
Dr. McCullough discussed Fauci’s Rocky Mountain Lab
The 2018 RML paper that Sachs and McCullough reference
Six months after losing DARPA Defuse, Baric and Vincent Munster published SARS-Like Coronavirus WIV1-CoV Does Not Replicate in Egyptian Fruit Bats in December 2018. In the Defuse proposal, Baric aimed to “inoculate” live bats with WIV1, but after DARPA declined the bid, that work shifted to Montana under Fauci's funding.
That 2018 test failed in Montana, so Baric and Munster co-wrote, “It is currently unclear why WIV1-CoV seems unable to replicate efficiently in Egyptian fruit bats. It is possible that the WIV1-CoV S glycoprotein is not processed by surface or intracellular proteases, which have been shown to be important host restriction factors during coronavirus entry [12,13].”
Millet J.K., Whittaker G.R. Host cell proteases: Critical determinants of coronavirus tropism and pathogenesis.
Bertram S., Glowacka I., Muller M.A., Lavender H., Gnirss K., Nehlmeier I., Niemeyer D., He Y., Simmons G., Drosten C., et al. Cleavage and activation of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein by human airway trypsin-like protease.
“Intracellular protease” came from Baric’s 2018 DARPA Defuse notes and reappeared in their joint RML paper. It’s Baric’s description of a furin cleavage site.
They concluded, “Therefore, it would be interesting to perform an experimental inoculation study using Chinese horseshoe bats, from which WIV1-CoV was originally isolated, to investigate if more efficient virus replication and shedding can be observed in these animals.”
Reader Q&A from book
What happened to the losing 2018 DARPA Defuse vendors—USGS, NWHC bat center in Wisconsin, and PARC bat spray owned by Xerox? In 2019, Daszak dropped them for Vincent Munster of RML (referenced in the $7.5M CREID grant) and his cost-effective transmissible bat vaccine. In the book, I estimate the three US vendors accounted for ~$6M in Daszak’s $14.2M bid. Munster's self-spreading vaccine, costing ~$1M, replaced expensive field equipment. Proponents argued that “cost is the primary value of self-spreading vaccines.”
Another reader thought Major Murphy’s “recombinant bat vaccine” was a typo in Chapter 7, meaning virus, not vaccine. However, that was the shock and awe of Murphy’s letter. He was a DARPA fellow sitting in the back of the Washington, D.C., room as the Pentagon’s brain (i.e., DARPA) pieced this puzzle together. Covid was a live attenuated vaccine for bats (Baric’s version and Munster’s version).
A reader asked for Chapter 6 references proving bats were not considered a mammalian model for a GoF test? In 2017, one regulatory sentence was changed: bats, unlike mice, are not considered a “mammalian” model in a GoF ban or regulation:
As established in October 2014, the policy had required NIH to forward for the committee’s review experiments expected to generate certain flu and coronaviruses that would be “transmissible among mammals” and that might accidentally cause human infections.
But in December 2017, the policy was narrowed to cover only altered pathogens “likely capable of wide and uncontrollable spread in human populations.” The sweeping reference to mammals was eliminated. A review by the committee was not required, the policy said, unless the pathogen to be constructed is “reasonably judged” by NIH “to be a credible source of a potential future human pandemic.”
HKU3r-CoVs = SARS-CoV-2?
On Jan 10, 2020, after the SARS2 genome was published, Munster wrote Baric, “Perfect! Right between your favorite viruses :-).” Those were SHC014 and HKU3, which Baric referenced in DARPA and NIAID grants.
HKU3r-CoVs is a novel chimera, not the existing HKU3 bat genome. It’s a place marker Baric used to develop the SARS2 genome. Samples like RaTG13 fit the 25% divergent profile. Remember, Baric wanted Shi arrested for publishing RaTG13 on Jan 24, 2020.
Reader Q&A
Wouldn’t the furin cleavage site have been discovered with or without Shi Zhengli’s RaTG13? Yes, most virologists noticed a furin cleavage site when the SARS2 genome was published on Jan 10, 2020. Bob Garry claims Jan 12:
However, none (including Bob) suspected engineering until after Shi published RaTG13 on Jan 24, 2020. If Shi remains quiet, the nearest matches are ZXC21 and ZC45, collected in 2018 near Shanghai, and have nothing to do with WIV.
Good luck finding the furin cleavage site (PRRAR) in that convoluted tree, but after Shi published RaTG13, the infamous insert was now very easy to see:
Daszak’s political kill switch?
Here are the raw politics behind all this. Reminder - it was NIH that funded China, not EcoHealth, and that was reviewed & approved by NIH & State Dept under both Trump, and Obama (via Daszak May 17 2024 tweet).
Daszak’s Jan 8, 2020, burner account on Twitter?
I know it’s not Daszak, but I no longer think it was Baric’s account, so I will go with Munster, since he claimed he wasn’t on Twitter:
Munster said he was working on African transmission projects, such as the “novel animal vaccine” for DARPA.
Munster’s workaround a US GoF ban?
The same day Munster visited a Japanese lab, the Japanese tweeted out the following:
For US scientists/virologists - if you need some ways to do your studies, please let us talk about it. Let us find better ways. Please do repost/retweet.
Summer lab leak debate
I’ve asked Matt Ridley multiple times why Shi published RaTG13, which he proudly displays on his T-shirt, but he has not answered. Early in the pandemic, Shi published a paper with Baric using his humanized mice, but they were not a transmission model for Covid.
Hamsters with long Covid
SARS2 can persist in hamster brains, causing neurodegeneration and symptoms like depression and memory impairment. Syrian golden hamsters are one of five lab animals that efficiently transmit SARS2. They aren’t found in Shi’s BSL2 lab but kept in Munster’s BSL4.
Two die after using bat poop to grow cannabis
Bat guano is a popular ingredient for cannabis growers due to its high proportion of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
$100,000,000 for 12 biolabs
has the goods on the 1500-page Republican spending bill.US bat sample collection in Myanmar
Gilles Demaneuf of DRASTIC highlighted US involvement in collecting bat samples from Myanmar (and Kenya) through the Smithsonian Institution to circumvent US sanctions. He also found that Shi Zhengli and Peter Daszak have shipped Chinese bat samples to the US since 2002.
Foreign rodents in Washington D.C.
“Why is it that so many (Smithsonian Museum) specimens in the collection come from countries the U.S. has fought wars with?”
There was a pause, then a nod. I was given two reasons: First, when the US goes to war, it is often with a country that US researchers have not had any access to for political reasons, usually for a fairly long time. Second, in the underfunded world of ecological research, the US military would sometimes sponsor Smithsonian scientists to conduct biological assessments.
Americans in Laos
The nearest progenitor to SARS2 was previously collected by the US military in Laos. Those bat Banal samples were republished in early September 2021. Linfa Wang celebrated the Laos Banal bat samples (gamechanger, dynamite, case closed) just one week before DARPA Defuse leaked.
In August 2024, Congressman Brad Wenstrup, the head of the Covid origin committee, visited the mysterious lab that collected the Laos Banal bat samples in 2017. The former US CDC head, Robert Redfield, visited the Laos region in 2019.
Redfield vs Fauci
Redfield is on his 9th booster vaccine, and Fauci had six booster shots. Top-level health bureaucrats are hypochondriacs and germaphobes.
Stocking stuffers
Give that mult-jabbed, mask-wearing friend a 1-pound gift for Christmas!
LAB LEAK MY ASS! While exhaustive, this seems to provide a million excuses, obvucations for the obviously calculated bioweapon attack by Fauci et. al.. Deagel.com, a defense forecasting contractor, several years ago estimated the U.S.. 2025 population to be about 98 million, down from almost 300MM. LAB LEAK MY ASS! Prior to covid, Angus Dalgleish, a renown biological lab reseacher used to inject the SV40 cancer promoter into mice to grow tumors in them. So how did SV40 wind up in the covid vaccines and others? Why are the same vax manufactuters now buying cancer drug manufacturers? Here's the immediate solution to Fauci, Baric, Collins, Hotez, Daszak et al: Short rope, tall limb...legally, of course. Sooner the better! Today would not be too soon. A few years ago would have saved millions of lives and trillions of dollars.
Now 65MM UPDATED:https://yandex.ru/video/touch/preview/9012650746866525067
The burner account is clearly Daszak's, Florin's speech pattern analysis has proven this beyond any doubt. This guy is totally crazy.