LAB LEAK MY ASS! While exhaustive, this seems to provide a million excuses, obvucations for the obviously calculated bioweapon attack by Fauci et. al.., a defense forecasting contractor, several years ago estimated the U.S.. 2025 population to be about 98 million, down from almost 300MM. LAB LEAK MY ASS! Prior to covid, Angus Dalgleish, a renown biological lab reseacher used to inject the SV40 cancer promoter into mice to grow tumors in them. So how did SV40 wind up in the covid vaccines and others? Why are the same vax manufactuters now buying cancer drug manufacturers? Here's the immediate solution to Fauci, Baric, Collins, Hotez, Daszak et al: Short rope, tall limb...legally, of course. Sooner the better! Today would not be too soon. A few years ago would have saved millions of lives and trillions of dollars.
Angus Dalgleish wrote, "We suggest that it is a high priority in further investigations to ascertain precisely from Chapel Hill lab records the exact donor provenance of 2B4 Calu-3"
Excellent work but bat vaccine remains unlikely as far too optimized for human transmission. This clearly was a pandemic pathogen. The Murphy "leak" may be part of the cover-up.
Agreed, it's crazy, but Covid transmits even more efficiently in Egyptian fruit bats, kept at Fauci's biodefense lab in Montana. That confused Murphy, since Covid doesn't transmit in Chinese bats. That was the Wuhan test that leaked. Senator Marshall followed up on Murphy:
Isn't it more accurate to call it a "lab release" rather than a "lab leak," considering all the development efforts by civilian and military groups for the preceding several years and all the planning meetings with high-level govt and industry reps from multiple countries and the coordinated mockingbird media announcements that occurred immediately after the U.S. govt as the de facto leader declared an "emergency" which activated the legal protections for the worldwide criminals of C-19?
You're probably right. I claimed lab leak (or accidental release), but the creation and coverup of Covid were not accidents. This thing was so contagious it would have leaked from a BSL5. They were playing with fire and got burned. I should split the difference and say lab origin.
LAB LEAK MY ASS! While exhaustive, this seems to provide a million excuses, obvucations for the obviously calculated bioweapon attack by Fauci et. al.., a defense forecasting contractor, several years ago estimated the U.S.. 2025 population to be about 98 million, down from almost 300MM. LAB LEAK MY ASS! Prior to covid, Angus Dalgleish, a renown biological lab reseacher used to inject the SV40 cancer promoter into mice to grow tumors in them. So how did SV40 wind up in the covid vaccines and others? Why are the same vax manufactuters now buying cancer drug manufacturers? Here's the immediate solution to Fauci, Baric, Collins, Hotez, Daszak et al: Short rope, tall limb...legally, of course. Sooner the better! Today would not be too soon. A few years ago would have saved millions of lives and trillions of dollars.
Angus Dalgleish wrote, "We suggest that it is a high priority in further investigations to ascertain precisely from Chapel Hill lab records the exact donor provenance of 2B4 Calu-3"
The burner account is clearly Daszak's, Florin's speech pattern analysis has proven this beyond any doubt. This guy is totally crazy.
Excellent work but bat vaccine remains unlikely as far too optimized for human transmission. This clearly was a pandemic pathogen. The Murphy "leak" may be part of the cover-up.
Agreed, it's crazy, but Covid transmits even more efficiently in Egyptian fruit bats, kept at Fauci's biodefense lab in Montana. That confused Murphy, since Covid doesn't transmit in Chinese bats. That was the Wuhan test that leaked. Senator Marshall followed up on Murphy:
Isn't it more accurate to call it a "lab release" rather than a "lab leak," considering all the development efforts by civilian and military groups for the preceding several years and all the planning meetings with high-level govt and industry reps from multiple countries and the coordinated mockingbird media announcements that occurred immediately after the U.S. govt as the de facto leader declared an "emergency" which activated the legal protections for the worldwide criminals of C-19?
You're probably right. I claimed lab leak (or accidental release), but the creation and coverup of Covid were not accidents. This thing was so contagious it would have leaked from a BSL5. They were playing with fire and got burned. I should split the difference and say lab origin.