German media on Fauci
American media
It’s easy to blame the US media for not covering the lab leak, but the WSJ opinion, NYT blog, and WP blog covered the latest NIAID email fiasco. Lab leaks are a complicated subject, but everyone can follow a coverup. Most scientists and reporters know Fauci’s R01 Wuhan grant did not create SARS2 (e.g., no furin cleavage site using Shi’s safe BSL2 lab mice). Even Chris Cuomo and Robert Redfield admit as much.
Redfield, the former head of the US CDC, claims, “We don’t know the Wuhan Institute of Virology inventory.” That Chinese bat virus inventory was also in Fauci’s Rocky Mountain lab in Montana, and Fauci was funding two projects in Wuhan.
Jeff Sachs on Tucker Carlson
Professor Jeff Sachs of Columbia University says, “The question is which lab and which way?” He mentions DARPA Defuse and Fauci’s Rocky Mountain Lab.
Here is the December 2018 Montana bat paper Sachs references.
In 2018, the US mainstream media and American scientists were obsessed with Egyptian fruit bats. Ralph Baric of UNC and Vincent Munster of RML were also obsessed with Egyptian fruit bats. After losing DARPA Defuse they infected fruit bats with Chinese pathogens. Per Professor Stuart Neil in London, the WIV1 Chinese genome and live bats were very important in DARPA Defuse.
The 2018 WIV1 experiment in Montana failed, so they wanted a furin cleavage site, called “intracellular proteases” inserted into Chinese genomes. Baric and Munster concluded, “It would be interesting to perform an experimental inoculation study using Chinese horseshoe bats, from which WIV1-CoV was originally isolated, to investigate if more efficient virus replication and shedding can be observed in these animals.” This is a reference to DARPA Defuse, and Danielle Anderson was to lead those “animal studies” in the Wuhan BSL4.
Dani’s boss, Linfa Wang, resigned on Jan 10th, 2020. And SARS2 infects and transmits in Egyptian fruit bats. These particular bats are not found in China but are kept in Fauci’s Rocky Mountain Lab.

5 questions for Fauci
The Congressional committee released Fauci’s testimony from January 2024 but he “did not recall” more than 100 times. Fauci will give public testimony on Monday, June 3rd. Here are 5 (rhetorical) questions that will invoke his 5th Amendment:
Why did you invite Ralph Baric to the Feb 1st, 2020, teleconference?
What was your $82M CREID contractor, Dani Anderson, doing inside the Wuhan BSL4?
Why did her boss Linfa Wang resign as director of Duke’s EID program on Jan 10, 2020?
What was your NIH Rocky Montana lab doing with both DARPA Preempt and Defuse projects in 2018-19?
Why are Egyptian fruit bats (and NA wt deer) a “reservoir host” species for SARS2?
Fauci’s NIH lab in Montana won two DARPA Preempt projects + an original member of the rejected DARPA Defuse bid.

Fauci’s chief of staff spills the beans?
Committee: And you say on Jan 27, 2020, “Also, in talking about coronavirus, we have on our team Vincent (Munster), and folks we fund, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Ian Lipkin, probably the world's experts on non-human coronavirus” What did you mean by we have on our team?
Folkers: We have on our team. People we fund, people in our ecosystem. So Vincent is an intramural scientist and the other ones are grantees.
Fauci told his assistant to buy a burner phone
Subpoenaed emails between Fauci’s assistant David Morens, Peter Daszak, and CREID contractor Gerald Keusch of Boston University (BSL4 studying Egyptian fruit bats) imply Fauci used Gmail and told Morens to buy a burner phone. In October 2021, Keusch said Morens has “been using a government phone which permits personal conversations as well. So even things via Gmail sent and received on his cell phone could be FOIA’able. This came from Tony (Fauci) in their conversation.” Morens “needs to get himself a personal smartphone, and Tony has told him not to be in touch with (Daszak) for the time being. (Fauci) will stay connected to (Daszak) via (Keusch).”
Fauci’s Gmail
The Congressional committee requested access to Fauci's personal email.
The infamous “FOIA lady” at NIAID taught Morens (and Fauci?) “how to make emails disappear after I’m FOIA’d but before the search starts.”
Kristian Anders$n and Ec~Health
Fauci’s team avoided FOIA search terms by intentionally misspelling keywords. His chief of staff, Greg Folkers, used “Anders$n” and “Ec~Health” and typed “Ecco Health” into Fauci’s 2021 calendar. That 2021 Fauci calendar included Ralph Baric of UNC, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth, assistant David Morens, and an appointment to watch himself on PBS TV.
Why didn’t Fauci call the FBI?
Fauci testified that I told Kristian Andersen on a Jan 31st, 2020 phone call:
“As soon as possible he and Eddie Holmes should get a group of evolutionary virologists together to examine carefully the data to determine if his concerns are validated. And he should do it very quickly, and if everyone agrees with this, they should report it to the appropriate authorities. And I would imagine that, in the United States, that would be the FBI, and in the U.K., that would be MI5. And it would be important to quickly get confirmation of the cause of his concern by experts in the field of coronaviruses and evolutionary biology. In the meantime, I” -- me, Tony -- “will alert my U.S. Government official colleagues of my conversation with you and Kristian and determine what further investigation they would recommend. Let's stay in touch.” So it was my response to the call that I had with Kristian.
But Andersen testified he had FBI “brochures and pamphlets” ready to go but interpreted Fauci’s email to say, “He will contact the FBI.”
Instead of contacting the FBI, Fauci called Ralph Baric. Andersen recently stated, “I had no idea. Neither did my colleagues (Bob Garry and Eddie Holmes) and we're still all surprised to learn about that,” after Baric testified to being on the teleconference.
Fauci lied?
The congressional committee released Fauci’s closed-door testimony from January 2024. He claimed, “To my knowledge, it was just Francis Collins and me” on the Feb 1st teleconference, but Baric testified that “NIH folks” invited him onto the call. Fauci “did not recall” speaking to Baric about the lab origins, but he obviously invited Baric to the Feb 1st teleconference because Fauci was the only person who knew about the call on Jan 31st, 2020. And Fauci setup a meeting with Baric on Feb 11th.
Committee: Here’s an entry from your calendar from Feb 11th, 2020. At 2:30, it looks like it says, "HOLD -- Meeting with Dr Ralph Baric (and erbelding)." Do you recall if you met with Dr. Baric?
Fauci: You know, I don't recall, but it's here on the calendar. So, I mean, it's not unusual for me to meet with scientists who pass through D.C., so it's not surprising. But I don't recall the meeting or what was discussed at the meeting.
Committee: Do you recall if anyone else was meeting with Dr. Baric?
Fauci: If it's in -- 7A18 is my conference room. So it is likely that there are other people involved. Because when it's a one-person meeting, I usually meet in my office, which is a couple of -- you know, a couple of doors down.
Committee: Since it says "Erbelding" next to it, would it be safe to assume that Dr. Erbelding would've attended that meeting?
Fauci: It's safe to assume that Dr. Erbelding would've attended that meeting, yes.
Committee: So I'm going to read the Slack message into the record. Dr. Frieman writes, "I talked to Baric for a long time last night. He sounds beat. His ACE2 mice are breeding up but not ready for anyone to have. He said he sat in Fauci's office talking about the outbreak and chimeras. Clearly he is in other kinds of meetings than what we are invited to! I joked about his link to WIV, he wasn't very amused." And then a few other things. To avoid beating a dead horse, do you recall anything about Dr. Baric during this meeting discussion?
Fauci: No, I don't.
Committee: the WIV or chimeras?
Fauci: I don't recall, really. Honestly, I don't.
Committee: In 2018, Dr. Baric, Dr. Daszak, and Dr. Shi submitted a proposal to DARPA named "DEFUSE." Are you aware of that proposal?
Fauci: I heard about a proposal that was submitted to DARPA. Yes. It got a lot of publicity.
Committee: So you heard through the press?
Fauci: I heard through the press, yes. That Daszak and a couple of others had submitted a proposal to DARPA to do some experiments. I heard it through the press. I think there was confusion that that was an NIH proposal, and it wasn't.
Committee: So Dr. Baric didn't tell you about this proposal during that meeting?
Fauci: The first I heard about the proposal was from the newspapers, not Dr. Baric.
“You will have tasks that must be done”
The congressional committee released an interview with Fauci’s #2, Hugh Auchincloss. They wanted to know why Fauci sent him a midnight email with “tasks that must be done.” The background video:
No one seems to know what those Fauci “tasks” were. They were to organize a Feb 11th, 2020, meeting with Baric at NIAID’s office. It included Emily Erbelding of CREID to probably get everyone on the same page regarding a coverup.
Jim Jordan: Okay. What does this sentence mean here that you wrote: "Ebrbelding will determine -- the last sentence in the email you sent back. "She will determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad." What does that mean?
Erberdling is Daszak’s manager on the NIAID CREID project (aka DARPA Defuse). And those “distant ties to this work abroad” turned out to be Dani in the Wuhan BSL4.
Jordan: Okay. And tell me about that conversation with Dr. Erbelding again.
Auchincloss: I don't remember the specifics. What I recall is what I wrote in the email. Erbelding told me that no Coronavirus research has gone through the P3CO framework.
Jordan: Well, isn't that a problem? Doesn't it have to go through the GoF framework if it's Coronavirus research?
Auchincloss: No.
Jordan: If it's gain-of-function research, it does?
Auchincloss: If it's gain-of-function research of concern, it might lead to enhanced pathogens of pandemic potential.
In DARPA Defuse, Baric used a GoF workaround since he experimented with “bat viruses,” not human viruses. On page one of Defuse, Baric wrote, “These use bat-SARS-CoV backbones, not SARS-CoV, and are exempt from dual-use gain of function concerns.”
Auchincloss didn’t even know about the secret Feb 1st teleconference until it was released via FOIA in the summer of 2021. But they asked:
Committee: Do you work with -- does NIAID work with DARPA a lot?
Auchincloss: A lot
Fauci called the $120,000 R01 grant out of his $6B budget “pencil dust.” It’s a dead end. Once you realize Fauci funded “that” $14M DARPA Defuse proposal (e.g., Baric’s furin cleavage site with Dani’s unsafe BSL4 lab bats), the deleted NIAID emails and Gmails will make sense.
Overlap between Daszak and Baric testimony
Daszak and Baric mentioned meeting Fauci at the now-infamous 2013 coronavirus meeting in Washington, D.C. The room was full of SARS2 suspects.
Baric testimony: I mention that, because the first time I actually met (Fauci) was at basically a conference on developing strategies to move forward with MERS coronavirus, research objectives, back in (2013). So that was the first time I met him.
Committee: What was the (Fauci) meeting at NIAID headquarters?
Daszak testimony: Where we were presenting the information about the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
Munster is starting a bat colony in his BSL4. Baric gets excited at the idea of infecting Munster’s Egyptian fruit bats with his synthetic Chinese genomes.
Female journalist released after 4 years prison
Zhang Zhan, a citizen journalist, was released from Chinese prison after serving four years for uploading videos of the Wuhan BSL4. She released a video statement on May 21st, though there are concerns about her freedom of movement.
Lab leak convo
Professor Bryce Nichols of Rutgers and writer Matt Ridley of England discuss the NIAID coverup. Fast-forward to 20 minutes for a discussion of Sachs and Rocky Mountain lab.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
As soon as Fauci is sworn in to testify he needs to be warned that “I don’t recall” is not an answer to any question.
The American people deserve to know why their lives, livelihoods, mental health and freedoms were negatively affected for over 2 years.
“I don’t recall” is lying to the American people.
Dr fauci, have you always been a greedy, unethical, amoral psychopath or did you develop into one during your leadership at niaid?