May I say an extremely insightful piece on the origin of SARS-CoV-2? I would urge that anyone interested in the subject must read Jim's book, which is the best work on the subject.

To make things easier to understand without changing the truth, Baric made a novel synthetic virus by adding 4 amino acids (furin cleavage site) that allowed it to infect Egyptian bats that were previously immune to other coronaviruses, including RaTG13 that was found by the Chinese Bat Lady. The Chinese Bat Lady then wrote about this virus in the third week of January 2020, making it clear that her virus, while very similar to SARS-CoV-2, did NOT have the furin cleavage amino acids. This was a signal to the world that she had not designed nor leaked SARS-CoV-2 from her lab, which was distinct from the WIV lab.The virus created by Baric was subsequently made airborne by Munster, who had the necessary expertise to do so. The airborne Baric/Munster virus was transported to the WIV laboratory to be tested in Chinese horseshoe bats.

.interestingly, the first man to be detected with SARS-CoV-2 in Washington had travelled from Wuhan with a virus identical to the one recognised as SARS-CoV-2 by the CDC; the difference lay in only 3 nucleotides and one amino acid. The hospital admitted this patient who had been suffering from fever and cough for the past four days. He remained ill for 11 days, had a clear X-ray initially but developed atypical pneumonia around the 10th day, and had a course of heavy antibiotics for his fever.The same patient (remember the first reported in the USA) was administered an experimental drug on "compassionate" grounds; he had a magical transformation by the next day; he became entirely asymptomatic and was soon discharged from the hospital. This was the first advertisement for remdesivir to treat Covid, despite a paper on Ebola reporting mortality of 50% with the same drug (also published by the same journal).


Let's now shift our focus to Munster, where he authored a piece in the New England Journal of Medicine on February 20, 2020, in which he goes to enormous lengths about surveilling the new virus from China and the effects of quarantine. He makes no mention of the virus's potential for airborne transmission! His expertise in the field of virology is widely known, which is why he received an invitation to be the chief of the Virus Ecology Section at NIAID.


If someone is still unable to grasp the chronology of events in the building of SARS-CoV-2, the explanation is not that the individual is incapable but rather is reluctant to.

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Dr Deepak delivers the best summary again! “You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.” That WA1 patient was a guinea pig for remdesivir.

More from Deepak here:


& here on the vaccine for a vaccine:


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So was it quite unlucky then that an animal to human spillover (horseshoe bat to Dani) happened when the horseshoe bat actually was not such a great candidate for transmission as say an Egyptian fruit bat would have been? (Hence the suggestion of a needle stick accident?) Or have I got that the wrong way around?

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that’s a perfect summary Gilgamech!

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Lots of over my head medical jargon is impressive I supose to those that understand it.

When will it lead to Nuremberg Code and RICO arrests and executions?

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Unfortunately, everyone gets away with it. Baric, Munster, and Fauci are laughing at us because it's a complicated subject. If you prefer audio/video that isn't technical:


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Baric, Munster, and Fauci's actions with the BNC/CCP are NOT ...a complicated subject.

It's called Treason, Genocide and AN ACT OF WAR by the CCP! Five years later no arrests.

World law enforcement agencies must arrest Bill Gates, Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Collins, Daszak and all former and present DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved for crimes against humanity!

Fraud and Genocide are ...not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The Trump DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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It would be helpful if you could recap your argument when you make your final conclusion, because it comes almost as a non sequitur

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In 2018, Baric & Munster experimented with coronaviruses, furin cleavage sites, & Egyptian fruit bats. With a wish to further experiment on Chinese bats, which are only available in Wuhan.

In 2019, a coronavirus with an odd furin cleavage site emerged in Wuhan, and it infected Egyptian fruit bats (not Chinese bats).

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How does that prove a lab leak, as opposed to a deliberate release?

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Ok thanks. And Dani’s bats in WIV BSL4 were New World bats or Chinese horseshoe bats?

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Dani's bats are Chinese horseshoe (Old World) exclusively in the Eastern hemisphere. Fauci is now building a $125 Chinese bat lab in Colorado and Montana to avoid this issue in the future!


Basically, Fauci's contractor was Patient 0:


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Jim I more or less got that part about the bat species swap but it is unclear what you are saying happened when and where. This is why the article really needs a summary - at the end, before the conclusion.

I genuinely don’t know if you are saying the NA epidemic started at RML or what role you are saying RML had.

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Read the first post from nearly 2.5 years ago:


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What’s confusing in this article is that it sounds like you’re maybe saying the Pacific Northwest patient zero was infected directly from RML.

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Noted, will add a line. See the Pacific Northwest patient as a "return to sender" mailing address. It's a complicated subject, but you ask good questions.

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Thank you so much for clarifying. The amount of information you are processing and integrating here is quite staggering!

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Ok that was a HUGE article that doesn’t in any way elaborate on what you are saying RML did here or what their role was.

Really just needs a one paragraph summary of your argument instead of going directly from exposition to conclusion.

From reading your long first article I can see what you are building on with the New World bay vs Old World bat thing in this article. I got that on the first read through. That part is clear. What is totally unclear is what you are saying about RML

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Baric of North Carolina created SARS2 genome; sent it to Munster of RML, who aerosolized the agent; Munster sent the animal vaccine to Dani, who tested on bats in Wuhan BSL4; Covid got out. As Covid spread around world, we learned there are only 5 transmission models outside us humans, and all 5 in Munster's lab.

Try this summary:


If you prefer audio/video:


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New subscriber here, saw links from Unz review. Trying to catch up; thanks if you can be patient with me.

Your summary "let's be blunt" says: "SARS-CoV-2 was not designed to infect us humans, but to inoculate our distant mammalian ancestors."

Are you saying that it was designed (in Munster's lab) to infect those five other transmission models (including specifically Egyptian fruit bats, but excluding Chinese bats)?

And, if SARS-Cov-2 was not designed to infect humans, why is it so good at it?

How can you exclude the possibility that the work in Munster's lab was supplemented in some other lab, where SARS-Cov2 was optimized for humans? Perhaps to cause exactly the (highly profitable) havoc that it did?

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Appreciated. Ron Unz used to read Will Jones, who summarized the Munster situation best, linked below. Munster is a notorious aerosol transmission specialist who has won a lot of DARPA projects with his technology. Inject one animal, and it spreads automatically to the next. Through the air, much like Covid. He starts small with small airborne particles (hamsters, deer mice, mink) and then goes big (deer, Egyptian fruit bats). All those lab animals have a similar ACE2 receptor as humans. I've assumed Munster/Baric had a biological kill switch to prevent human-to-human transmission, but they won't talk to me, or give us an alibi. They are sinister, no matter the intent.




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Fruit bats. Regardless of who was playing with which source of them in North America, it's time to shift focus back to previously mentioned madman Kawaoka. Who - IN ADDITION TO - having a lab with GOF in U o Wisconsin's veterinary school, had a stealth BL-4 in Japan at Kobe U. That's territory for the OKINAWAN fruit bat. Not 'native to China'... but don't worry - we'll get there!

Kawaoka's secret lab @ Kobe received some stuff stolen out of a US Navy lab in Indonesia, transferred by one of his assistants who later coughed up details of what he was up to after realizing how badly she had be used. We're talking MERS/SARS GOF stuff. He'd been shut down by the Obama pause on GOF and had Fourchier's Erasmus package by way of a helpful Frank Plummer postman @ Winnipeg BL4/NMAL.

History requires us to think back to Unit 731 here. As does Jim's helpful reference to Baltic Island sites of old nazi bioweaponry labs. Operation Paperclip being proof that old evil never dies... it just 'spores' into next vector. Ditto Japan. Munster's work @ RML does not need have been dependent upon "Egyptian fruit bats." Anymore than Fauci & friends needed be dependent upon Danzak for 'going the last mile.'

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Fauci calls all of it Dual Use Research of Concernt or DURC. Here's Fauci next to Kawaoka discussing GoF and aerosolization in 2018:


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Amazing clip. I'd supposed Fauci to be keeping Kawaoka somewhat hidden from view; and at least an attempt at 'arm's length' distance from the guy who will ultimately prove to be the 'missing piece' to this puzzle. I was wrong.

It's like mentor and protege - he's clearly proud of his brood of madmen.

And showing zero remorse: this 'sanitization/sanctification' of the guy who has dragged every POTUS since Reagan further into the medical terror syndicate has reached insane proportions - https://www.gazettenet.com/Anthony-Fauci-sits-down-with-Amherst-College-59772258 ... and serves as a tribute to just how successfully the citizen/serfs have been duped into assisting their own suicide.

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Munster in Japan?

Is that not a lock then? Kawaoka did the set up work which allowed Munster to make the refinements needed for an airborne vector - and used Okinawan fruit bats to do it. The hiv/tb splicing was Yoshi's 'special sauce' done using his Indonesian lab stolen shipment. Just like Fauci "stole" Munster from Erasmus.

"Some of the early alarm was fed by Dr. Fouchier speaking at conferences and

giving interviews last fall in which he boasted that he had “done something really,really stupid” and had “mutated the hell out of H5N1” to create something that was“very, very bad news.” He said his team had created “probably one of the most dangerous viruses you can make.”

"the lead author of the other bird flu paper, Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, took the H5N1 spike gene and grafted it onto the 2009 H1N1 swine flu. One four-mutation strain of the mongrel virus he produced infected ferrets that breathed in droplets, but did not kill any."

Airborne Transmission of Influenza A/H5N1 Virus Between Ferrets

Sander Herfst, Eefje J. A. Schrauwen, Martin Linster, Salin Chutinimitkul, Emmie de Wit, Vincent J. Munster, Erin M. Sorrell, Theo M. Bestebroer, David F. Burke, Derek J. Smith, Guus F. Rimmelzwaan, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, and Ron A. M. Fouchier Science 22 June 2012: 1534-1541.

The Potential for Respiratory Droplet–Transmissible A/H5N1 Influenza Virus to Evolve in a Mammalian Host

Colin A. Russell, Judith M. Fonville, André E. X. Brown, David F. Burke, David L. Smith, Sarah L. James, Sander Herfst, Sander van Boheemen, Martin Linster, Eefje J. Schrauwen, Leah Katzelnick, Ana Mosterín, Thijs Kuiken, Eileen Maher, Gabriele Neumann, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Ron A. M. Fouchier, and Derek J. Smith Science 22 June 2012: 1541-1547.

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Fauci "stole" Munster is perfect. Fouchier and Koopmans claimed to know about Covid by first week of December 2019:


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"And the smokiest gun of all: the fact that the virus transmits readily in a range of American lab animals but not in Chinese laboratory bats."

This is why I've asked to give 'due consideration' to the notion that Munster/Kawaoka was a Fauci 'tag team' entrusted with turning the covid 'nothin burger' into the bio-weaponry 'chimera' it became. Only with the tb/hiv splice(Kawaoka)could Munster's 'airborne' part become useful as a 'pandemonium.'

The parallels with fall 2001 are noteworthy here; a build up of media driven 'anthrax' frenzy sufficient to overcome all resistance to Patriot Act/Go to Iraq.

Build up of a media driven 'pandemic' frenzy sufficient to overcome all resistance to an 'experimental gene therapy' injection with no track record, safety study, approval etc.,

The '5 RML species' belong to the USA/China vector. Mustelidae - including our ferret friends belong to the UK/Canada/Japan vector. Which I've taken it upon myself to provide evidence for. Long before RML/Baric can coalesce we need to be looking to Bioport(later "Emergent")Cangene, NML/UoW/Porton Down/Kobe for the 'gun' which ultimately puts Danzak into the "golden triangle" for reasons other than what might be supposed....

The New Scientist: "The latest work was done by Yoshihiro Kawaoka at the

University of Wisconsin at Madison. His team showed that adding the 1918 gene for the surface protein haemagglutinin to modern viruses made them far deadlier to mice. The researchers also found that people born after 1918 have little or no immunity."

To quote somebody who just might be able to grasp what I'm on about here... "If we can sort through the crazy, we will be rewarded with something crazier"

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