The lab leak hypothesis was always going to be the official COVID origin story to cover up the fact that this was a Plandemic for profit, organized by international Big Pharma billionaires, from Bill Gates to BGI's Wang Jian. This was made obvious to all who had their eyes open from the get-go, with Avril Haines and George Gao sitting right next to each other at Event 201, talking about how a lab leak would be suspected, just as it was with Ebola 2014--and China would protect the U.S. from this disinformation, as they did then.
At the time of Event 201, Avril Haines was working for Johns Hopkins (the host of Event 201) and WestExec where her clients included Microsoft, the company founded by Bill Gates (another Event 201 host), Facebook (Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskovitz's Open Philanthropy was the funder of Event 201), and JP Morgan Chase, the bank that Jeffrey Epstein put in touch with Bill Gates to create the Global Health Investment Fund (now GHIC) to profit from pandemics through fat government contracts.
Avril Haines' dad was a Rockefeller scientist who created Doxil, the first pharmaceutical to use lipid-nanoparticle technology so essential to the COVID vaccines' ability to break into human cells.
The U.S. and China pretend to be enemies, and certainly sectors of its respective governments, especially the militaries, believe they are. But, there are also parts of both governments that facilitate the lucrative business relationships between the two economies. To name just one example, BGI is essential to the functioning of every biotech company on the planet. It reads DNA faster and cheaper than anyone else.
Neither the U.S. nor China wanted to get to the bottom of the origin of COVID-19.
The U.S. always accused the Wuhan Institute of Virology of a "lab leak", while China always said it "leaked" from Ft. Detrick, with some plausible evidence, given the lab was shut down for safety issues in summer of 2019, with all those vaping illnesses that might have been misdiagnosed COVID.
Most of COVID was accomplished not with bioweapons, but with PCR tests with cranked-up cycle thresholds that could return a false positive from any sample, hence the disappearance of flu.
That said, I do believe a bioweapon was dispersed, one that had the characteristic symptom of loss of smell, and other impacts that distinguish it from already-circulating colds and flus.
There's some evidence from Italy that the bioweapon may have been in flu vaccines.
In decades past, our government experimented with many ways to release bioweapons, including in clouds over cities, into public transportation systems, through the food supply, etc.
There isn't anything I'd put past them, especially when cooperating with China.
Metabiota, a military contractor promoted for government contracts and investment funding by Hunter Biden, is a likely suspect. After it got caught up in the COVID origins controversy, it was bought by Ginkgo Bioworks which also took over the IARPA FELIX project. In January 2020, FELIX claimed it had used AI to compare SARS-CoV-2 to all known bat viruses and conclude that COVID wasn't genetically engineered.
Metabiota was funded and organized by when Eric Schmidt was running Alphabet. I figure he, Henry Kissinger's protege, is one of the masterminds of the Plandemic. He's the one who got the Obama Administration to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on virus hunting in China with the WIV, so that they could be blamed for COVID, even though all the bat viruses that were best for human bioweapons were sent straight to Ralph Baric's lab at UNC. Baric didn't release the genetic code of his infamous gain-of-function creation published in 2015 until May of 2020, so that very well may have been SARS-CoV-2.
Schmidt organized Philip Zelikow's COVID commission, along with Rajiv Shah, now Rockefeller, previously Obama's USAID when USAID was spending hundreds of millions on Metabiota-EcoHealth Alliance-Wuhan Institute of Virology virus hunts in China, Jeff Skoll of eBay's Skoll Foundation, another early financial backer of the Metabiota team, and one of the Koch brothers' foundation. Their COVID connection was their patronage of, and business partnerships with, Moderna's Robert Langer.
This was clearly a plandemic for profit.
It's entirely possible that Metabiota, Baric, and everyone else whose name we know might be a public patsy for an operation conducted in absolute secrecy, maybe in DTRA Ukraine or Georgian biolabs, maybe at non-profit labs like the Broad Institute that Schmidt funds, maybe at one of the many labs run by corporations. Google has Verily. Zuckerberg as Chan Zuckerberg. And, we know the CIA and the Pentagon use bioweapons. Anthrax 2001 was traced by the FBI back to Ft. Detrick.
So who knows? But, one thing is sure, COVID didn't accidentally leak from a lab. David Asher is likely the source for the names of three WIV scientists who are said to have gotten laboratory acquired infections and passed those onto family members. When that news came out, I thought, oh, they're going to pay these Chinese scientists to come before Congress (David Asher told me there's a fund for that) and tell the world how COVID started. That would have been very believable and convincing, but it never happened. I guess the deal with China involves keeping the origin story ambiguous. Maybe they caught the U.S. giving West Africa Ebola in 2014 and agreed to keep that a secret if they could become the U.S.'s partner in crime. Maybe China was the U.S.'s partner in crime going back to before Ebola 2014.
Remember, there wasn't a single magic bullet shot by a lone-gunman that killed JFK. A Palestinian terrorist wasn't the lone assassin of RFK. MLK wasn't shot by a lone racist. The Twin Towers didn't topple at free-fall speed because of being hit by planes. Building 7 didn't fall the same way on the afternoon of 9/11 because of a small fire started by debris from the towers. Bruce Ivins didn't do the anthrax attacks all by himself, coincidentally timed with 9/11 and meant to be blamed, as 9/11 was, on Islamic terrorists. And, SARS-Co-V didn't accidentally leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology--or accidentally leak from Ft. Detrick, Ukraine or Georgian biolabs, or anywhere else. To the extent a bioweapon was used, it was intentionally released.
One of the masterminds of the HHS pandemic bureaucracy (vaccine liability, emergency use, medical countermeasures stockpile, etc.) that was built in the George W. Bush Administration after 9/11 anthrax (largely through the bird flu hoax of 2005), is Jim O'Neill.
He's back in government, assuming confirmation, as the second-most powerful person at HHS, under RFK Jr.
Since leaving HHS he's been working for Peter Thiel.
Buckle up for another plandemic, this one to build that same pandemic bureaucracy at USDA for farm animals, a much bigger market than humans.
It's bird flu again. All the HHS documents for the emergency, liability protection, etc. have already been signed by Becerra. They're blaming it on raw milk and raw pet food and they'll blame it on Trump and Bobby. I'll blame it on Trump and Bobby, too, if this goes the way COVID did, with another Operation Warp Speed, etc. I'm so angry to hear RFK Jr. at yesterday's confirmation hearing singing OWS's praises while saying almost nothing about vaccine injuries other than quickly mentioning that a few kids in Samoa died of the measles vaccine. Nearly COVID vaccine 40,000 deaths have been logged in VAERS and yet he was silent on this, just like he's never managed to say anything against Israel's genocide, or free speech as students, legally in the U.S. to study, are being deported by Trump is they stand up for the Palestinians.
Peter McCullough is already selling Tamiflu as the new Ivermectin, but it's the old run-death-is-near, also by Gilead, where Donald Rumsfeld worked before going into government to sell $1 billion of it for the bird flu. Tamiflu can be deadly and causes suicidal ideation. Biden already gave it Emergency Use Instructions to be used longer and at higher doses than the FDA says are safe and effective.
I don't like the idea of RFK Jr. getting scapegoated, but his HHS will have to be his responsibility. He can't take the job unless he's prepared to be fully accountable for everything that happens under his leadership. I'm really worried that he knows virtually nothing about Medicaid and Medicare. Obviously, he's never used one of these single-payer health services, as I have and my family members have, and most Americans will over the course of their lives. He kept confusing them with Obamacare. And he wouldn't agree with Bernie that universal health care is the answer (just never let the government have monopoly or prevent patients from going outside the system).
I know it's hard if you love Bobby. I don't because he promoted the bogus lab leak theory in the Wuhan Cover-Up, because he's for the Wall (instead of giving immigrant workers the rights of citizens so that corporations in food and ag will stop exploiting them as slave labor--and maybe just hire citizens with decent wages and working conditions), and because he supports the genocide.
But, I don't think he's a free person. His father, uncle and cousin were assassinated. He's stayed alive. He worked on marginalized causes like the environment and vaccine safety and stayed out of the limelight, but the corporations have figured out a way to exploit him, turning Trump from MAGA zero to MAHA hero.
Dick Morris takes credit for this. I don't like Dick Morris. I recently heard him give a speech where he said Trump would make sure police didn't have liability, all the illegals would be deported and he'd deal with those Hamas animals--all in one sentence.
We can't go into the new Trump era believing COVID was an accidental lab leak, not a Plandemic.
If we do, it will be impossible to understand what comes next.
Lab leak was an accident, but the creation and coverup were no accidents. Since the virus was the vaccine, it killed millions, not 40,000. Covid was DESIGNED to be transmitted in the upper respiratory tract of a mammal found in Fauci's biodefense lab in Montana. The only person covering this up is Richard Ebright.
You were writing about DARPA and transmissible vaccines in Oct 2020, take a victory lap!
This remains your best find: "Baric didn't release the genetic code of his infamous gain-of-function creation published in 2015 until May of 2020, so that very well may have been SARS-CoV-2." Baric never published the 2015 genetic code to keep his biotechnology secrets from the Chinese. He patented the SARS2 genome (HKU3-Smix) in 2015.
I think the Saudis did 9/11 (blowback for US base in Riyadh) and Oswald was a commie trying to impress the Soviets.
"I think the Saudis did 9/11 (blowback for US base in Riyadh) and Oswald was a commie trying to impress the Soviets." Evidently, you have not studied either 9/11 or the JFK assassination. Sorry, but your statement is either a joke or an inadvertent ruination of your credibility.
Almost everything you write passes the smell test with flying colours.
I think both Trump and RFK2 have their hands tied at this moment with regard to Israel.
Until the distinction between Semites, Israelis and Zionists is clearer in the public eye attacks directed at the Zionists will get you labelled an antisemite and cancelled, no matter what else you have to offer. Politicians know this because that is how it has been planned.
I also think that RFK2 has to tread carefully until he is sworn into his position. If he gets in and does nothing useful then he knows his name is mud forever. I don't think he is that guy.
Trump on the other hand is playing for favors and adulation and still probably listening to people with hidden motives for some of his advice. He could achieve most all of his campaign promises with a bit more flair and humanity, humility too I suppose but he is who he is. I am no fan but would have voted for him as the lesser of evils both times. This time he has accepted ethical help, possibly or even probably thinking it will get him what he wants and it has so far. However my HOPE is that the people around Trump will be able to throw carefully calculated spanners into the uniparty works so that more people will see the scam. If by some miracle 51% become enlightened the system will pivot very fast as there will be no ignorant political power-base for evil acts.
Based on everything we know so far the virus was engineered in a lab and almost certainly destined to be let out somewhere(s). If it leaked by accident it was a very small error in timing that has had no detectable change in how things have played out. All the laws and (YGL) puppets were in place. BG was bragging about it recently before so a date was already planned. It is sad how well the plan worked and without the internet it would have been a total takeover.
More and more Elon is showing he is true to his heritage instead of a man of science, more Mengele than Schindler at this time. The biggest danger we face from him is an inevitable/artificial collapse of the internet forcing people to subscribe to Starlink and that means only X social media, Starlink for data and X bank for billing. A very powerful vertically integrated cattle pen.
One version was made in the U.S. IN 2020 Chinese VISA holders working in BSL4 labs were given, sold or stolen biological samples to Wuhan. Then we have the Ukraine labs. This was a globalist agenda to fulfill agenda 2030 and ultimately agenda 2050 mass depopulation plan.
Aeroplanes work very effectively with spreading upper airway respiratory viruses. This is very common. Obviously if it were seeded in a few places at once it becomes impossible to contain. Finally if it repeatedly reseeded with various variants in various places it appears more scary.
What boggles my mind is the lack of common sense the perps have when playing with pathogens. There is no guarantee that they will not get it and there is no magic pill with ivermectin or Vitamin-D that will keep some geriatric globalist alive if they get a nasty strain when they are run down.
Amazing gambles, other peoples health mostly but their own as well.
The lab leak hypothesis was always going to be the official COVID origin story to cover up the fact that this was a Plandemic for profit, organized by international Big Pharma billionaires, from Bill Gates to BGI's Wang Jian. This was made obvious to all who had their eyes open from the get-go, with Avril Haines and George Gao sitting right next to each other at Event 201, talking about how a lab leak would be suspected, just as it was with Ebola 2014--and China would protect the U.S. from this disinformation, as they did then.
At the time of Event 201, Avril Haines was working for Johns Hopkins (the host of Event 201) and WestExec where her clients included Microsoft, the company founded by Bill Gates (another Event 201 host), Facebook (Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskovitz's Open Philanthropy was the funder of Event 201), and JP Morgan Chase, the bank that Jeffrey Epstein put in touch with Bill Gates to create the Global Health Investment Fund (now GHIC) to profit from pandemics through fat government contracts.
Avril Haines' dad was a Rockefeller scientist who created Doxil, the first pharmaceutical to use lipid-nanoparticle technology so essential to the COVID vaccines' ability to break into human cells.
The U.S. and China pretend to be enemies, and certainly sectors of its respective governments, especially the militaries, believe they are. But, there are also parts of both governments that facilitate the lucrative business relationships between the two economies. To name just one example, BGI is essential to the functioning of every biotech company on the planet. It reads DNA faster and cheaper than anyone else.
Neither the U.S. nor China wanted to get to the bottom of the origin of COVID-19.
The U.S. always accused the Wuhan Institute of Virology of a "lab leak", while China always said it "leaked" from Ft. Detrick, with some plausible evidence, given the lab was shut down for safety issues in summer of 2019, with all those vaping illnesses that might have been misdiagnosed COVID.
Most of COVID was accomplished not with bioweapons, but with PCR tests with cranked-up cycle thresholds that could return a false positive from any sample, hence the disappearance of flu.
That said, I do believe a bioweapon was dispersed, one that had the characteristic symptom of loss of smell, and other impacts that distinguish it from already-circulating colds and flus.
There's some evidence from Italy that the bioweapon may have been in flu vaccines.
In decades past, our government experimented with many ways to release bioweapons, including in clouds over cities, into public transportation systems, through the food supply, etc.
There isn't anything I'd put past them, especially when cooperating with China.
Metabiota, a military contractor promoted for government contracts and investment funding by Hunter Biden, is a likely suspect. After it got caught up in the COVID origins controversy, it was bought by Ginkgo Bioworks which also took over the IARPA FELIX project. In January 2020, FELIX claimed it had used AI to compare SARS-CoV-2 to all known bat viruses and conclude that COVID wasn't genetically engineered.
Metabiota was funded and organized by when Eric Schmidt was running Alphabet. I figure he, Henry Kissinger's protege, is one of the masterminds of the Plandemic. He's the one who got the Obama Administration to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on virus hunting in China with the WIV, so that they could be blamed for COVID, even though all the bat viruses that were best for human bioweapons were sent straight to Ralph Baric's lab at UNC. Baric didn't release the genetic code of his infamous gain-of-function creation published in 2015 until May of 2020, so that very well may have been SARS-CoV-2.
Schmidt organized Philip Zelikow's COVID commission, along with Rajiv Shah, now Rockefeller, previously Obama's USAID when USAID was spending hundreds of millions on Metabiota-EcoHealth Alliance-Wuhan Institute of Virology virus hunts in China, Jeff Skoll of eBay's Skoll Foundation, another early financial backer of the Metabiota team, and one of the Koch brothers' foundation. Their COVID connection was their patronage of, and business partnerships with, Moderna's Robert Langer.
This was clearly a plandemic for profit.
It's entirely possible that Metabiota, Baric, and everyone else whose name we know might be a public patsy for an operation conducted in absolute secrecy, maybe in DTRA Ukraine or Georgian biolabs, maybe at non-profit labs like the Broad Institute that Schmidt funds, maybe at one of the many labs run by corporations. Google has Verily. Zuckerberg as Chan Zuckerberg. And, we know the CIA and the Pentagon use bioweapons. Anthrax 2001 was traced by the FBI back to Ft. Detrick.
So who knows? But, one thing is sure, COVID didn't accidentally leak from a lab. David Asher is likely the source for the names of three WIV scientists who are said to have gotten laboratory acquired infections and passed those onto family members. When that news came out, I thought, oh, they're going to pay these Chinese scientists to come before Congress (David Asher told me there's a fund for that) and tell the world how COVID started. That would have been very believable and convincing, but it never happened. I guess the deal with China involves keeping the origin story ambiguous. Maybe they caught the U.S. giving West Africa Ebola in 2014 and agreed to keep that a secret if they could become the U.S.'s partner in crime. Maybe China was the U.S.'s partner in crime going back to before Ebola 2014.
Remember, there wasn't a single magic bullet shot by a lone-gunman that killed JFK. A Palestinian terrorist wasn't the lone assassin of RFK. MLK wasn't shot by a lone racist. The Twin Towers didn't topple at free-fall speed because of being hit by planes. Building 7 didn't fall the same way on the afternoon of 9/11 because of a small fire started by debris from the towers. Bruce Ivins didn't do the anthrax attacks all by himself, coincidentally timed with 9/11 and meant to be blamed, as 9/11 was, on Islamic terrorists. And, SARS-Co-V didn't accidentally leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology--or accidentally leak from Ft. Detrick, Ukraine or Georgian biolabs, or anywhere else. To the extent a bioweapon was used, it was intentionally released.
One of the masterminds of the HHS pandemic bureaucracy (vaccine liability, emergency use, medical countermeasures stockpile, etc.) that was built in the George W. Bush Administration after 9/11 anthrax (largely through the bird flu hoax of 2005), is Jim O'Neill.
He's back in government, assuming confirmation, as the second-most powerful person at HHS, under RFK Jr.
Since leaving HHS he's been working for Peter Thiel.
Buckle up for another plandemic, this one to build that same pandemic bureaucracy at USDA for farm animals, a much bigger market than humans.
It's bird flu again. All the HHS documents for the emergency, liability protection, etc. have already been signed by Becerra. They're blaming it on raw milk and raw pet food and they'll blame it on Trump and Bobby. I'll blame it on Trump and Bobby, too, if this goes the way COVID did, with another Operation Warp Speed, etc. I'm so angry to hear RFK Jr. at yesterday's confirmation hearing singing OWS's praises while saying almost nothing about vaccine injuries other than quickly mentioning that a few kids in Samoa died of the measles vaccine. Nearly COVID vaccine 40,000 deaths have been logged in VAERS and yet he was silent on this, just like he's never managed to say anything against Israel's genocide, or free speech as students, legally in the U.S. to study, are being deported by Trump is they stand up for the Palestinians.
Peter McCullough is already selling Tamiflu as the new Ivermectin, but it's the old run-death-is-near, also by Gilead, where Donald Rumsfeld worked before going into government to sell $1 billion of it for the bird flu. Tamiflu can be deadly and causes suicidal ideation. Biden already gave it Emergency Use Instructions to be used longer and at higher doses than the FDA says are safe and effective.
I don't like the idea of RFK Jr. getting scapegoated, but his HHS will have to be his responsibility. He can't take the job unless he's prepared to be fully accountable for everything that happens under his leadership. I'm really worried that he knows virtually nothing about Medicaid and Medicare. Obviously, he's never used one of these single-payer health services, as I have and my family members have, and most Americans will over the course of their lives. He kept confusing them with Obamacare. And he wouldn't agree with Bernie that universal health care is the answer (just never let the government have monopoly or prevent patients from going outside the system).
I know it's hard if you love Bobby. I don't because he promoted the bogus lab leak theory in the Wuhan Cover-Up, because he's for the Wall (instead of giving immigrant workers the rights of citizens so that corporations in food and ag will stop exploiting them as slave labor--and maybe just hire citizens with decent wages and working conditions), and because he supports the genocide.
But, I don't think he's a free person. His father, uncle and cousin were assassinated. He's stayed alive. He worked on marginalized causes like the environment and vaccine safety and stayed out of the limelight, but the corporations have figured out a way to exploit him, turning Trump from MAGA zero to MAHA hero.
Dick Morris takes credit for this. I don't like Dick Morris. I recently heard him give a speech where he said Trump would make sure police didn't have liability, all the illegals would be deported and he'd deal with those Hamas animals--all in one sentence.
We can't go into the new Trump era believing COVID was an accidental lab leak, not a Plandemic.
If we do, it will be impossible to understand what comes next.
Lab leak was an accident, but the creation and coverup were no accidents. Since the virus was the vaccine, it killed millions, not 40,000. Covid was DESIGNED to be transmitted in the upper respiratory tract of a mammal found in Fauci's biodefense lab in Montana. The only person covering this up is Richard Ebright.
You were writing about DARPA and transmissible vaccines in Oct 2020, take a victory lap!
This remains your best find: "Baric didn't release the genetic code of his infamous gain-of-function creation published in 2015 until May of 2020, so that very well may have been SARS-CoV-2." Baric never published the 2015 genetic code to keep his biotechnology secrets from the Chinese. He patented the SARS2 genome (HKU3-Smix) in 2015.
I think the Saudis did 9/11 (blowback for US base in Riyadh) and Oswald was a commie trying to impress the Soviets.
"I think the Saudis did 9/11 (blowback for US base in Riyadh) and Oswald was a commie trying to impress the Soviets." Evidently, you have not studied either 9/11 or the JFK assassination. Sorry, but your statement is either a joke or an inadvertent ruination of your credibility.
Very insightfully stated!
So why not up vote it, As I did?
To each his own.
Almost everything you write passes the smell test with flying colours.
I think both Trump and RFK2 have their hands tied at this moment with regard to Israel.
Until the distinction between Semites, Israelis and Zionists is clearer in the public eye attacks directed at the Zionists will get you labelled an antisemite and cancelled, no matter what else you have to offer. Politicians know this because that is how it has been planned.
I also think that RFK2 has to tread carefully until he is sworn into his position. If he gets in and does nothing useful then he knows his name is mud forever. I don't think he is that guy.
Trump on the other hand is playing for favors and adulation and still probably listening to people with hidden motives for some of his advice. He could achieve most all of his campaign promises with a bit more flair and humanity, humility too I suppose but he is who he is. I am no fan but would have voted for him as the lesser of evils both times. This time he has accepted ethical help, possibly or even probably thinking it will get him what he wants and it has so far. However my HOPE is that the people around Trump will be able to throw carefully calculated spanners into the uniparty works so that more people will see the scam. If by some miracle 51% become enlightened the system will pivot very fast as there will be no ignorant political power-base for evil acts.
Based on everything we know so far the virus was engineered in a lab and almost certainly destined to be let out somewhere(s). If it leaked by accident it was a very small error in timing that has had no detectable change in how things have played out. All the laws and (YGL) puppets were in place. BG was bragging about it recently before so a date was already planned. It is sad how well the plan worked and without the internet it would have been a total takeover.
More and more Elon is showing he is true to his heritage instead of a man of science, more Mengele than Schindler at this time. The biggest danger we face from him is an inevitable/artificial collapse of the internet forcing people to subscribe to Starlink and that means only X social media, Starlink for data and X bank for billing. A very powerful vertically integrated cattle pen.
Arabs are Semitic
Seems like all kinds of information is coming out now. I guess the truth always prevails. 👍🙏🥰
The truth prevails when censorship is lifted.
COVID-19 and the Lab Leak
One version was made in the U.S. IN 2020 Chinese VISA holders working in BSL4 labs were given, sold or stolen biological samples to Wuhan. Then we have the Ukraine labs. This was a globalist agenda to fulfill agenda 2030 and ultimately agenda 2050 mass depopulation plan.
Wow! Thanks Jim!
THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 | SHARE EVERYWHERE.
how would there be an enormous scientific and bureaucratic cover-up?
Lab leak? Someone leave a window open? Can anyone explain how a "virus" spreads AROUND THE WORLD in a couple of months because there was "lab leak"?
Aeroplanes work very effectively with spreading upper airway respiratory viruses. This is very common. Obviously if it were seeded in a few places at once it becomes impossible to contain. Finally if it repeatedly reseeded with various variants in various places it appears more scary.
What boggles my mind is the lack of common sense the perps have when playing with pathogens. There is no guarantee that they will not get it and there is no magic pill with ivermectin or Vitamin-D that will keep some geriatric globalist alive if they get a nasty strain when they are run down.
Amazing gambles, other peoples health mostly but their own as well.
Busy work to justify their big paychecks. This lab work does absolutely nothing good for the American taxpayers. It helped bring on chaos.