I wonder if the HAE referred to by Ebright was a simple HAE cell culture that are pretty common while you were referring to Barics proprietary mice with HAE lung implants . I agree its unlikely WIV had the latter

Also, DEFUSE did not really call for infecting bats with live coronaviruses containing in FCS spike. It called for bats to be infected with raccoon pox virus having Barics FCS engineered coronavirus spike. This precludes an accident resulting in release of Sars-Cov-2

I suppose DEFUSE could have been modified under CREID to use live Coronaviruses for some reason, perhaps because the pox virus was not generating a sufficient immune response

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A pro lab leak reporter told me they asked Baric if there was HAE in WIV and replied 'I don't know.'

It's a muddy debate, but a pet peeve of mine, b/c I told Ebright that Shi's Vero delete FCS. Just months later, his Twit feed and testimony was full of HAE inside the WIV.


Technically everything in Defuse was safe (not transmissible) and I don't think Baric is fully onboard with bat vax. But that changes with Munster (DARPA winner with transmissible bat vax). In Defuse, Baric proposed to infect live bats with WIV1, that is why I now focus on Munster, b/c he was infecting live Egyptian fruit bats with WIV1 and wishing for an FCS. I think Baric made him an FCS using CREID $$ and Munster turned it into an airborne monster.


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I am moving away from Baric as well. I think he was the brains but not necessarily on board. Munster had the animals, but who had the human guinea pigs? The virus seemed especially well adopted to Slavic populations based on some preliminary data I am working on. What country had lots of biolabs and ethnic Russian prisoners? Hmm?

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If you want to go down the ethnic rabbit hole, it probably has to do with Baric's HAE,, b/c those are young transplant 'donors' from suicide or motorcycle accident.


But that is in vitro, so 0 to do with in vivo transmission models, which are all found at Munster's lab. Munster even blamed our fat western diet using his 'fat' hamster transmission model.


Spend some time on the 2018 RML paper & read Linfa who they both reference


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also look at this post DARPA Defuse Baric paper, an LAV bat vaccine refencing the Mojiang mineshaft in China


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