"Linfa and Dani actually called Baric’s work a consensus “virus”.....

I don't quite understand the distinction here , except that they use different language to describe what , in the end , is the same thing. Consensus virus = consensus sequence from Baric's standpoint. Give him a sequence and he can generate the corresponding virus , as he did in 2008. There's no need to send him plasmids or culture vials by courier or snail mail , email will do just fine.

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you are absolutely right, there really is no difference, but I think it's a noticeable difference in viewpoints. Baric (the email me the genome specialist) see's his 'virus' work as a sequence and Linfa/Dani (the bat immunologists) see Baric's sequence as a 'virus' to infect bats.

The title of post #1 was supposed to be a play on these words: A Consensus 'sequence' of events leading up to patient 0 in Wuhan. the bigger point I was trying to make was they are all collaborating in 2019 on DARPA type work.

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OK , I see now. Makes sense. Thanks for the response.

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I definitely agree with you the virus was engineered in the US and sent to WIV for their part of the DEFUSE Project.

What I don’t agree with is them relying on an accidental leak at WIV to start the Pandemic. With all the advance preparation for a Pandemic from 2017-2019 and looking at who benefitted, it seems likely it was intentionally released and WIV was the designated patsy (so released in Wuhan).

Who and how, one can only speculate

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No.Re the first video..

The virologist actually said the release was NOT intentional.

But allowing people infected to travel was...I would go with Hanlons razor on that anyway.

2.10-“..however I dont think the outbreak in Wuhan was intentional…however we should know the CCP allowed the outbreak to go all over the world to kill millions of people all over the world..”

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"Who and how, one can only speculate"

What happened to "why"?

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I thought that was obvious. Money, power , culling the elderly and advancing technologies needed for the Great Reset. Billionaires made a killing off of COVID. Much of that $7 trillion debt went into their pocket

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Are you new to this?...

The only thing that was obvious was, you were just repeating something you had heard and put zero thought into it..

Which is funnier....people who think these lite and unoriginal ideas are profound.


Smug people people who think these lite and unoriginal ideas are profound..

Culling the elderly..thats reducing possible consumers..ok..so thats no good.

The technologies were advancing anyway..pcr aint new..so thats out...

The great reset meme ....is AFTER the event..

People getting rich from the covid clown world is AFTER the event

So the old cupboard is empty...

We could play another version of "stuff I have heard and repeat" !!

The old "they knew" game...which is a grand conspiracy amongst "them" across all govts around the world..

I would ask for some form of evidence of this..you would throw a lame ad hominem back..and that was it....

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Your ignorance overwhelms me. I will pass. As for the Elderly being consumers, consider the savings to social security and pension funds. Consider also that their assets get passed on to the next generation who are even bigger consumers. Consider also the replacement of the elderly with younger immigrants.

The idea of a Great Reset predates Klaus Schwabs popularizing it. But convincing you is not possible

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Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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you'd figure these guys would study how to block accidents like a safe maneuver like nothing after pill equivalent

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